NSFW Somali woman kidnapped in Eastleigh, Nairobi and they demand 5 million ksh (40k$)

AUN. Heartbreaking wallahi. But I’m not surprised it ended that way considering how they tortured the miskeen :i83dwbv:
You would think they’d let her go if money is what they were after but I think they got spooked when her ordeal was brought to social media. They more than likely killed her so she doesn’t speak out if they release her.
AUN Somalis need to take revenge for her
Absolutely. How can they not after what they did to our women.


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
You would think they’d let her go if money is what they were after but I think they got spooked when her ordeal was brought to social media. They more than likely killed her so she doesn’t speak out if they release her.

Absolutely. How can they not after what they did to our women.
I agree. The strange thing is normally in ransom cases they don’t torture people to that extent before a demand has been made.
I agree. The strange thing is normally in ransom cases they don’t torture people to that extent before a demand has been made.
It’s for shock value. They torture them, make a video and send it to their family. Imagine your sister bloodied up god forbid. You’d do anything they ask. Mexican kidnappers perfected that strategy.


Tourists think Kibera is bad but ever since they received special police treatment and got some lights Koyole has taken the crown of most dangerous borough.

Ive never even passed through it those people are literal animals and yet its only a few km away from the Somalis in Donholm, Nairobi. This persons kidnappers were probably related to a shaqaalo or fuundi of some sort thats worked for her family.


Kenya is good at crimebusting they will do anything to keep that safe haven image Koyole is about to get the Pangani treatment soon.
Subxanallah there is like half million Somalis in Nairobi- they should toss that entire city upside down and burn those bastards alive...

Bunch of cooks


Could it even be a Somali led hit? Someone jealous of her? A competitor? There was a post that stated it could have even been her friend who done it...

Why would they ransom on a hit? In my experience the shaqaalo saw some money and told her boyfriend back in the slum is how things usually play out.

It seemed targeted so somehow a jarèer in Koyole had information from someone who saw her with money.
I was just reading about this earlier, This is absolutely horrific! I can’t believe no one is doing anything about it!!Where is the police and the community? And why are Somalis so quiet. Even on Instagram it didn’t generate much attention 🙏🏽
Somalis only react to popular topics, such blm or save palestine. They never react to their own people going through issues.


Beati Pacifici.
Wasn’t there a rich Somali-American guy that got killed in Nairobi recently? I really wanted to visit the coastal cities of Kenya since I’ve never been in that country but the xenophobia is increasing it’s disgusting
Could it even be a Somali led hit? Someone jealous of her? A competitor? There was a post that stated it could have even been her friend who done it...


Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. Seems too sloppy to be a ransom situation. I think somebody ordered a hit on her and made it look like a kidnapping/ransom demand.

AUN to the girl. I hope her killers are found and punished.
Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. Seems too sloppy to be a ransom situation. I think somebody ordered a hit on her and made it look like a kidnapping/ransom demand.

AUN to the girl. I hope her killers are found and punished.

People are speculating her own friend set her up. The second girl in the CCTV footage make strange eye contact behind her. But that could just be coincidence

