Somali woman who was smashed in the face with a beer mug forgives her attacker

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Similar incident happened on a bus to a Somali guy speaking to another Somali in Somali. The assailant was black American male and old who was high on drugs. The black guy got arrested when he got off the bus as the police were waiting for him at the stop. Bus drivers can call the police in transit and they have security camera installed in public transit buses.

I take phone calls in Somali if the caller is Somali and they speak the language giving no care to people sitting next to me. It is a privilege and a sign of otherness that speak culture and pride and no one should shy away from using their own language. Many white folks who met Somalis and like the culture do make an effort to learn the language.

Studies also have shown how bilingual kids have a better brain than unilingual kids of the same age. Younger brains specially generate new cells at fast rate to accommodate the new knowledge, it is self replicating learning brain cells so the more the challenges, the better prospects for the growing brains.

Waa idin salaamay ciyaal yohow, ama caruuryahay :)

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I think she came to the US recently but her grasp of the language is great.

And goddamn she fine. Nacala trash woman almost scarred her face.

Easily adeer! She's older than you, this is my type of singal matta
Forgoe her right to what? Hold a grudge? Whether she forgives her or not, she can't do anything. So forgiveness and moving on is the better thing
Her right to seek justice. And yes she could have done more. If she hadn't forgive that women, the woman could've face more time in jail.

@Tenacious a judge from South Carolina asked the family members of African Americans who were shot by a white supremacist to forgive the shooter while in court. Whites are a disease and no way would they ever forgive. I always held the believe that cadaans were able to conquer the world because of how nice, welcoming and forgiving non whites are while they have got none of those qualities.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
None of you caught the faces given by this pig's family. Just look at her mom or aunt or sister seated behind her. The mockery.

This apology was wasted ...notice how the criminal is behaving as this Somali female is speaking
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