Somali women did almost everything

You subconsciously attract and go for what you know, so if you’ve never had a present loving aboo the likelihood of you goin for a good man no matter ethnicity is quite slim. Ps geneally men who go outside their own community are bottom barrel or come from weak communities themself.

either way the ”trash somali males” are massproduced by families like your’s and the trauma dumping from girls like you is because of your aboo & useless brothers who are the ones misstreating somali girls because their aboo didnt teach them any better, so maybe go sit down with the boys in ur family and guide them?

anyway cba for genderwar aint low iq nor under the age 15 so enjoy urself.

I'm not a man and I will not guide men...

I'm currently doing the inner work and I know what to avoid in men lol you think I would go for those losers HA you wish warya!

I know that's exactly how you feel! You want to MULE and take advantage of Somali women. You see Somali women as the "struggle" and "come up" where you want to rest in your femininity. However, when you guys have lacaag y'all want to go for ajanabi women because you don't see them as a MULE! Funny enough I know two older Somali guys that did that! For the ajanabi women they did EVERYTHING from changing the baby diapers, providing, helping with the chores but with Somali women looool its the opposite! *That was honestly part of my awakening*

This is why I STAY fit and take care of my appearance! InshAllah when I marry my ajanabi MAN ( YES MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN) I will POST him everywhere to make you guys have CIIL! Seeth Dayooth futo weyn!

@Chase has even confirmed that its true! Ajnabi women get princess treatment and Somali women get rafaad lifestyle lol

Somali men are just like AA. Alhamdulilah waa isla tashaday a couple of years ago..... never will I stay loyal to you dayooth somali males...

That goes both ways walaal, y'all also worship the ground Ajanabis walk on :reallymaury:


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
I'm not a man and I will not guide men...

I'm currently doing the inner work and I know what to avoid in men lol you think I would go for those losers HA you wish warya!
Lmfao, every time there is a post featuring Somali men you come out of the woodwork. Tell your Aaboy "I love you" for me.
Somali nomads look down on labor. The very nature of their existence is the negation of building, which is the basis of civilization. Somali nomads move from place to place as a way of obtaining provisions and finding pasture for their livestock. If they encounter a problem or challenge, they move away from it rather than come up with a concrete solution.

Sadly, most Somali people lack work ethic and productivity. This nomadic mindset needs to change. Somali women, on the other hand, are extremely hard-working and contribute to the greater welfare of society.

Nomads are the most hard-working people that you can ever find. Nomadic men water livestock, do the milking from camels and cows, create fences for the livestock when they move to a new place, tame male camels needed for moving and carrying water to areas in long distancing and male horses needed for travel in long distances as well.

Nomadic men are also always on look out for new areas that have a good pasture. They developed a good sense of which areas that have ticks and should be avoided. And when it comes to how to naturally treat the ticks and other diseases that catch their animals, they're very good at it.

In nomadic Somalia, if the men is known for being lazy and not good at looking after his livestock, they deny that man to marry that daughter.

I seriously doubt you know anything about Somali nomads. But it is obvious there are definitely at least a Somali man who damaged you!!
An Ottoman officer said in 1875 about the people in Zeila
"Women from the people of Zeila had an important position in society. The man relied on her to grow some crops, make bread, graze and milk livestock, fetch water, and collect fuel, in addition to her usual household chores such as preparing food, cleaning the house, and raising children. As for the man, he was too lazy to do such tasks, and he often spent his time chewing tobacco and gum, and in the evening he would sit by the fireplace to chat and drink home-made corn beer."

This is nonsense. Zeila is in a flat land that is not suitable for farming. It is the end of the plateau aka "Ban Geeriyaad", meaning it is a desolate areas.

What is the source of this claim? I seriously doubt the guy was in Zeila. The life of a Somali agropastoralist is the one shown below. He is doing his farming in Harwo district, DDS near Awdal region.

"Of all the desiccated, bitter, cruel, sun-beaten wildernesses which starve and thirst beyond the edges of Africa's luscious, jungled centre, there cannot be one more Christless than the one which begins at the northern foot of Mount Kenya and stretches to the foothills of Abyssinia, and from there to the dried-out glittering tip of Cape Gardafui where the hot karif winds blow in from where the long shark's race under the thin blue skin of the ocean. You can never think of those wildernesses without thinking of daggers and spears, rolling fierce eyes under a map of dusty black crinkly hair, of mad stubborn camels, rocks too hot to touch, and blood feuds whose origins cannot be remembered only honoured in the stabbing. But of all the races of Africa, there cannot be one better to live among then the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."



Amaan Duule

I know that's exactly how you feel! You want to MULE and take advantage of Somali women. You see Somali women as the "struggle" and "come up" where you want to rest in your femininity. However, when you guys have lacaag y'all want to go for ajanabi women because you don't see them as a MULE! Funny enough I know two older Somali guys that did that! For the ajanabi women they did EVERYTHING from changing the baby diapers, providing, helping with the chores but with Somali women looool its the opposite! *That was honestly part of my awakening*

This is why I STAY fit and take care of my appearance! InshAllah when I marry my ajanabi MAN ( YES MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN) I will POST him everywhere to make you guys have CIIL! Seeth Dayooth futo weyn!

@Chase has even confirmed that its true! Ajnabi women get princess treatment and Somali women get rafaad lifestyle lol

Somali men are just like AA. Alhamdulilah waa isla tashaday a couple of years ago..... never will I stay loyal to you dayooth somali males...
I feel bad for your future husband. Even after marrying him, you will still be thinking about Abdis. We will live rent-free in your head forever 😂


I put Books to the Test of Life

I know that's exactly how you feel! You want to MULE and take advantage of Somali women. You see Somali women as the "struggle" and "come up" where you want to rest in your femininity. However, when you guys have lacaag y'all want to go for ajanabi women because you don't see them as a MULE! Funny enough I know two older Somali guys that did that! For the ajanabi women they did EVERYTHING from changing the baby diapers, providing, helping with the chores but with Somali women looool its the opposite! *That was honestly part of my awakening*

This is why I STAY fit and take care of my appearance! InshAllah when I marry my ajanabi MAN ( YES MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN) I will POST him everywhere to make you guys have CIIL! Seeth Dayooth futo weyn!

@Chase has even confirmed that its true! Ajnabi women get princess treatment and Somali women get rafaad lifestyle lol

Somali men are just like AA. Alhamdulilah waa isla tashaday a couple of years ago..... never will I stay loyal to you dayooth somali males...
Same can be said for The women unlike you we have proof from failed experiences that went viral and how they worshipped their Ajnabi king and in the end they where just used as slaves lol, we know life is made difficult for Farah but submissive for Ajnabis since you know our culture and men are taught mercy towards women and we give you more rights compared other toxic communities. this guy got you triggered by trolling but this is always how you felt do not use trolls as excuse for your ajnabi worship. Somali women have more freedom and flexibility and the men in culture and community do aid their women financially or even at home if she asks we do not enslave our women like Arabs and south Asians. My dad for 6 years was the provider and also the cook and mother for 8 kids whilst our biological mum was in Africa with our little sister.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Same thing in Djibouti! I saw it with my OWN EYES! They're useless khat heads...
LOLLLL am dead Khat heads, who hurt you abayo? your on smoke every minute. Inshallah I will make Dua only Good miskeen Somali men come your way who will give you princess treatment just like my Brother in Law.


I put Books to the Test of Life
lol, on smoke every minute I barely interact with many forums wym?
To alter your viewpoint, encountering an educated, sophisticated, 6'1" young Farah with inherited wealth might be necessary. Additionally, I have a preference for dark-skinned or dark-brown Halimos, a preference in the family as evidenced by my dad marrying someone with similar characteristics (my mum). Am waiting in the Luuq.
To alter your viewpoint, encountering an educated, sophisticated, 6'1" young Farah with inherited wealth might be necessary. Additionally, I have a preference for dark-skinned or dark-brown Halimos, a preference in the family as evidenced by my dad marrying someone with similar characteristics (my mum). Am waiting in the Luuq.
I'm actually confused? Do you think the reason I address colourism is for a niin lol. You really think I'm niin obessed or doing this for attention? Please, get over yourself. The Somali community hates taking accountability for anything.