somali women living with sufism vs somali women living with salafism

was somalia better off as a secular sufi country

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this is somalia around the early eighties
a nation of more than 90% sufi from somali land to jubaland and a few percentages of sunnis
and almost 1% christians


somalia now a country that is increasingly becoming wahabbist because of saudi arabia exporting
their shit extremism and making our women wear rags, but atleast there are a few sufi stronghold
places but the christian population is almost extinct due to fleeing and being killed by wahabbi fucktards

the ppl who fought for this country's independence were sufi , almost all of the ancient somali conqurers were sufi and moderate sunnis , what happened it's trully depressing when you think about it :(:mjsuitcry:

Poverty civil war lack of education made them resort to religion and faith, Allah helped them. But remember hijab or female clothes changed all time. Maybe next 30 years when peace restored and women can walk in streets and travel without fear of rape....,,
Older literature maintained that the label โ€œGodโ€™s Landโ€, when interpreted as โ€œHoly Landโ€ or โ€œLand of the gods/ancestorsโ€, meant that the ancient Egyptians viewed the Land of Punt as their ancestral homeland. W. M. Flinders Petrie believed that the Dynastic Race came from or through Punt and E. A. Wallis Budge stated that โ€œEgyptian tradition of the Dynastic Period held that the aboriginal home of the Egyptians was Puntโ€ฆโ€.
The sufi will support law and order,support the governance,will ask you bun n cambulo ,stay away from politics and that it is,but salafi shabab dogs will bomb your house,suicide attack on you ,slaughter you if you disagree with them slightly.
It is truth, the royals in Egypt sister and brother married to keep the royal blood pure

That was the final dynasty of Egypt. Ancient Egypt had my different rulers, the longest and most successful rule was by the Nubians/blacks, they were the one's that build the pyramid. The last dynasty of Egypt, just before the fall of Egypt were the one's that practised incest.
That was the final dynasty of Egypt. Ancient Egypt had my different rulers, the longest and most successful rule was by the Nubians/blacks, they were the one's that build the pyramid. The last dynasty of Egypt, just before the fall of Egypt were the one's that practised incest.

The most famous Dynasty in Ancient Egypt where not the Nubians, it was the 18th dynasty. 18 Dynasty where famous for many things for example its when Pharaoh Hatshepsut sent a voyage to the land of Punt (Somalia), its the dynasty where Prophet Yusuf lived and taught monotheism to Pharaoh Akhenaten (Aten means the one God), its also the dynasty to have that young Pharaoh Tutankhamun who died at age 18. This was his mask;


The most famous Dynasty in Ancient Egypt where not the Nubians, it was the 18th dynasty. 18 Dynasty where famous for many things for example it is when Pharaoh Hatshepsut sent a voyage to the land of Punt (Somalia), its the dynasty where Prophet Yusuf lived and taught monotheism to Pharaoh Akhenaten (Aten means the one god), its also the dynasty to have that young Pharaoh Tutankhamun who died at age 18. This was his mask;



I am not a Egyptologist. The point I was making that it was the Greek dynasty that practised incest and they were the fall of Egypt. When Ancient Egypt was at its pinnacle it was dark skinned Africans ruling.
I am not a Egyptologist. The point I was making that it was the Greek dynasty that practised incest and they were the fall of Egypt. When Ancient Egypt was at its pinnacle it was dark skinned Africans ruling.

The 18th Dynasty (above), where famous for practicing incest. Every Pharaoh in that era married their sister/brother. 1st cousin was even looked down upon. The last Pharaoh Tutankhamun, tried having a baby with his sister, but she had two miscarriages. Many people, believe the young pharaoh was murdered, or died of incest. After his death, the 19th Dynasty emerged. There's a new series on Spike on the mysterious death of the Pharaoh, its coming out in July; Here's the link;

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