war criminal bastard.Never speak about my father in such a way again. Shut the f*ck up
Keep projecting ur failing onto me cause u wanna see me fall down to ur levelwar criminal bastard.
And my father wasn't even in somalia in the 90swar criminal bastard.
Bottom line is, the problem with post-Neolithic societies is not either men or women but just the change in power dynamics across Human society after agriculture (plant and animal domestication) was discovered and spread. Resource accumulation became possible = hierarchies based around who controls the resources became possible. Agriculture causes population booms and topsoil degradation = there is a need to migrate and take new lands = conquest and warfare became more prevalent = men had to become more violent, boundary crossing, entitled and so forth and it became more prudent to marginalize women into being baby-making machines so this system can continue. I've oversimplified it but you get the gist. We're all victims of the fact that our ancestors ran into grain-eating and animal herding. Society wasn't usually this messed up when humans were Hunter-Gatherers. But anyway, the point is that I don't buy that the world will change much at all if women are in charge. Corporations run by women aren't any less exploitative than those run by men on average, for instance. The system is the problem, not a sex or individuals. The society at its core is the issue. It has incentivized men to be as they are now and, as you say, turned women into perpetrators of their own suffering in this system in part as well.
The west is not a patriarchal society? Are you sure about that?
Can u dumb it down for meI'm fully aware the West is indeed a patriarchal society, but not as patriarchal as Eastern societies. At the end of the day, it's a man's world, therefore just blaming a system created by men is indeed a cop out.
Its like White working class men soley blaming the system rather than taking their racism into account. I think you will find in the early days of the American colonies, white working class indentured servants were treated similarly to the early black slaves until slave owners realized that they could squash rebellions by creating a white vs black system. Give the white poor man a bit of power and sense of inclusiveness and he will keep the other poor slaves in check all in the name of 'whiteness' while being exploited by rich white men.
Can a white person now say, white people are not the problem, but the system brought about by greed is?
Bearing in mind, i'm not trying to create a man are bad and woman are good narrative. I've met my fair share of amazing men and terrible women. But its ridiculous for you to act like women are the same as men when it comes to the situation in Somalia, or that men are just as much victims in a system that gives them a lot more privileges at the expense of women.
Bearing in mind, i'm not trying to create a man are bad and woman are good narrative. I've met my fair share of amazing men and terrible women. But its ridiculous for you to act like women are the same as men when it comes to the situation in Somalia, or that men are just as much victims in a system that gives them a lot more privileges at the expense of women.
I also think it’s a mental thingThis Halimo serving in the special forces of the Somali Nationa Army named as Danab was recommended to me by YouTube.
Danab is a US specially trained Somali forces and is exclusively geared to partake in combat operations against Alshabaab and foreign subjects,sorta like the Marines.
Any way I believe Somali women or females in general shouldn't be serving in the military at all and that Somali government should let only males serve just like our Arab protgees and neighbors.
The United States also does not allow women to serve in the infantry and many other jobs within the army ranks and only allow females work at offices and secretarial settings.
There are two reasons for this:
A vast majority, as in the normal percentage, of women are not physically built to handle the stress of a soldier.
I have heard countless excuses of how some women can kick any guy's ass and blah blah blah. Of course, one person ignorant of the military would know that it has nothing to do with how well you can throw your fists (people who do think themselves a badass often wind up being the first ones to cry in boot camp).
Men and women are different, to reflect the different anatomy of men. 99% of all the women in Somalia are incapable of lifting me, my gear, my weapon, my pack (nearing 260 pounds) and their own equipment if I am wounded in a combat zone, much less carrying me for two miles to a helicopter for a medevac.
On top of this, I would like to see a woman go 90 days in a jungle or a desert
without a shower or any way to clean themselves whatsoever other than one pack of water not to mention their periods which is infact a health hazard after a while.
The second reason is because men are not psychologically strong enough to see a woman blown to shreds, because all our lives we have been taught to be gentlemen and look out for our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. It's a common Somali value.
Given this, if I were wounded and a female soldier wounded, a typical male soldier would more likely respond to the wounded female.
Another reason is because females are more prone to PTSD than males. It's bad enough that a lot of Somali men are suffering during the wars, but it would be far worse for women.
What do you think?Arguments?