Somali women vs Asian women

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Self hate is a product of the media. A person's perspective can simply be changed depending on the content he or she chooses to view regularly. Being consumed by the media means a change in attitude. As many of you know, changes can either have a positive outlets but a change in attitude can only mean an entire new creation for your personality.

Today i will be comparing the similarities between Somali women and Asian women in terms of self hate. Ignoring these things as if its absent from our community won't help.
Asian women are on top of the ladder in terms of self hate.
A lot of these women spend hours on dating websites looking for white men. They have dropped their cultures and customs simply to bare children for the white man. A recent study has shown the amount of marriages between Asians and Caucasians have risen almost 50% in the last couple years.
China is known to be #1 in producing skin whitening chemicals. Which are still being used today.
Asians have the sense that, "white is right" their women toss their cunts out to these men in huge numbers.
Check this video out of an Asian women being tugged away from her Asian boyfriend by a white dude.

Blow have provided ya'll with a few links you should perhaps consider. ... can-men-do

Somali women are now hoping on the trend. These women instead looking for a man who is stable and caring are in search of a man who can give them ciyaal cadaan ah. As mentioned in this forum previously, so called reverts who were converted in prison are entering Masjids in huge numbers in search of that, "cheap n clean" These men unlike the men the Asians date are lowlife criminals whom embraced Islam out of boredom when behind bars. These women are lined up in huge numbers angry at the Imans, because they weren't notified and booked up with the last man was given. I've spoke with many Somali sisters about this, and they usualy give me the same lame old excuse.
"Somali men aren't educated!"
"Somali men cant take care of their kids!"
As mentioned above about Asians, even though 60-70% of Asian men in the United States and Canada are educated and are able to sustain a healthy marriage, their women could care less and are still in search of cadaan guys. This can also be applied to Somali women. Even if Somali men were educated. They wouldn't consider because the geno (self-hate) controls their inner souls. How can you marry a criminal who's record is a mess, over a Somali whos record is clean?
Simply because kan Soomaliga jirkiiisa ma cado. Waa arin yaab leh. Asians wanna get rid of their chinky eyes when mixing with Cadaans. Naagaha Soomalida want to get rid of jirkooda iyo jinsiyadoodo. This is self hate.
One difference between Asian and Somali women.
A Somali women will lay down with nin Madow ah
An Asian women, maba arki karto nin madow ah.
Who can give me a solid reason onto why this is displayed?
This doesn't go for just the Somalis in the West.
In Somalia/Africa, Somalida are taught Carab is best.
As a Somali, if hooyk catches you looking nice as a compliment waxey ku oroneee, "Iyaah! War maanta nureyso, masha allah carab ayaad u egthay"
Naaaah mama, carab uma eki, Soomali ayaan ahy. f*ck! Xita maamooyinka are in effect.
gabadha ku kool Africa, nin carab ah ayay tabeeen. (Carab is best)
Kuwa ku nool galbeeda nin cadaan ah ayay tabeen (Cadaan is best)
This is some self hate.
Tyra Banks has episodes describing women of these sort and has displayed their egos. numerously.
Their perception changes becuase of the media right? So does yours, when the only articles you're reading are ones that suggest Somali girls are full of self hate. I've met some that have told me point blank they don't get with Somali's but they're pretty rare. You only ever hear of Somali weddings when someone is marrying an ajnabi, talking about an average Somali marrying another Somali is boring.
Somali Women

Asian Women



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Asian women are by far the worst self haters out there. Even bigger than AA men. Asian women are all over YouTube, blogs and social media worshiping cadaan cock and bashing Asian men.

It even reached a point here one Asian woman bashed Asian men so badly on a video that I had to PM her defending Asian men. I felt so incredibly bad for them. And you guys know me, I usually give zero fucks about other ethnicities.

Asian women are parasites. I feel bad for indhoyar men. And White dudes know they are seen as gods by Asian women that they use and abuse Asian women and girls.


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Several individuals on this forum got animosity towards Somali females. If anyone are self hates, it's you guys.
@waraabe that picture is from Minnesota. That Cadaan dude is a COP and posted this on his FB after he pulled over a Somali Hooyo.

It was on the news. The Cadaan dude got fired for racism.


I dont see sense in creating a topic only so people can turn it into a topic about Somali brothers. Lets address the issue some Somali women struggle with. Theres no need to hoard the emotions these females displace. I've got no issue with a women who perhaps loves the guy, rather than someone who suffers from some type of inferiority complex. An excuse such as, Somali men are unattractive can be described as, "self-hate" by certain people. Lets address the topic saxiibyaal. It seems it is the Somali sisters who turn into atheism and marry outside constantly.
This is factual. Yes we men have our flaws. But as of now were mentioning the key elements that drive Somali sisters away from their roots. I've met a girl who left her entire religion for a man, simply because he himself couldn't drop jesus from his heart. Do you think this women would've left Islam if she fell in love with a Somali atheist?
That's an argument we can discuss. But most likely she only did it because he was white.
This has a lot to do with iman. How a persons heart works.
If theres an absence of imaan in your heart, you could easily be brainwashed. We read things online that might sometimes have you questioning your own religion. And this is when the imaan is needed the most. If you lack in iman, then most likely you will be carried away with whatever you read.
You'd not only be consumed. But now there's constant self hate brewing in your veins. Now although were not addressing atheism . Just as how some embraced this idea, many have also embraced being with other cultures above their own. Simpy because of self hate. Nothing in between.


Asian women are by far the worst self haters out there. Even bigger than AA men. Asian women are all over YouTube, blogs and social media worshiping cadaan cock and bashing Asian men.

It even reached a point here one Asian woman bashed Asian men so badly on a video that I had to PM her defending Asian men. I felt so incredibly bad for them. And you guys know me, I usually give zero fucks about other ethnicities.

Asian women are parasites. I feel bad for indhoyar men. And White dudes know they are seen as gods by Asian women that they use and abuse Asian women and girls.
They leave their men, even when educated.
She would rather be with an uneducated white man over her Asian brother who is educated and fit for marriage.
Somali women aren't like that, but the 2% that do happen to self hate all seem to share some of the same descriptions.


Their perception changes becuase of the media right? So does yours, when the only articles you're reading are ones that suggest Somali girls are full of self hate. I've met some that have told me point blank they don't get with Somali's but they're pretty rare. You only ever hear of Somali weddings when someone is marrying an ajnabi, talking about an average Somali marrying another Somali is boring.
This has nothing to do with weddings, I'm tryna make the point that there are a handful of Somali women that can be compared to Asians. In terms of how they cope with identity issues, and their desires to only tame white men. This is a topic. There's nothing interesting about a Somali ajanabi wedding. Theres a certain degree that the marriage will fall in the next 5 years. Given the stats on this, 60-70% of these marriages only last 5 years. Although Somali women are aware of this they will still carry on, in search of an cadaan child.
Note: Asian on White marriages last longer than Somali and white marriages. Its been proven most of these men convert in order to be with a Muslim women. But have no desires to grew old with you. Waa arin jirto, balse gabdhaha soomaliyeed will always beef about it. Every single time.
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