Somali-Yemeni Special Relationship.

Yep, I’m beginning to see that. Why they hate them only Allah knows. We’re never been abused or enslaved by them, so why? They’re our neighbors whom we share similarities with. What’s so controversial about this thread?!
It's fascinating, if I were to make a similar thread exalting the few similarities Somalis share with Black Africans there would've been zero issues.

People on here need to accept that Somalis are not 100% Black African and that we share deep ancestry with Arabs, Egyptians. Somalis are more or less part of the same cultural-sphere with them.
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they had a reputation of abusing somali refugees rape killing in the 1990s. eben today there is the brutalization of immigrants in yemen who are on their way to saudi. you dont see ethiopians (on their way to yemen then saudi) being brutalized by reer puntland.
Same things happens to Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. People from war-torn countries become highly vulnerable to evil people in the lands they escape too.


Somalis did the same to Reer Xamaris. What do you expect from a war-torn country who are also brutalizing each other? Yemen is a war torn poor country and immigrants and those that are different are also targeted along with the locals as well. This victim complex needs to go. Somalis have lived in Yemen documented since the 1800s and probably lived their centuries before as well peacefully .

its npt a victim complex. you dont see xabashis in puntland being killed and raped like yemenis did in the 1990s. you dont somalis going libya-mode. somalis have a limit to mooryaanimo.
Yep, I’m beginning to see that. Why they hate them only Allah knows. We’re never been abused or enslaved by them, so why? They’re our neighbors whom we share similarities with. What’s so controversial about this thread?!
It's mostly gaalo Somalis who are the biggest arab haters, like arabs forced us to become Muslims.