Somalia 1970s - 1980s

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I wonder how Somalia would have looked like today if we won Ogaden war.

It would be an amazing country, a big empire from Djibouti to Northern Kenya. Siad Barre could be the most important man the Somali history. Ethiopia would have fragmented in several nations such as Oromo and Amhara and Ogaden would have been part of that Empire. But this is just a dream that never comes true because Mengistu was saved by Cuba and Soviet Union.
That time is gone sxb, it takes ppl to rebuild a country, nobody including Somalis want to rebuild Somalia, majority of the ppl in Somalia don't get along, the diaspora will only go back to Somalia just for vacation, the international community only want a paper pusher leader which they have all over Somalia south,north and central, u have creepy Ethiopians who have their agenda to keep Somalia unstable along with the Kenyans.

The last hope Somalia had was the government that was installed 2012, it was basically the last hope the international community gave us and you seen it with ur own eyes what this government turned out to be
You must not lose hope in your country. I know Somalia has many problems such as Al Shabbab, poverty and drought but Somalia has many countrymen who love their country and want a better future for it.
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