Somalia Admitted into EAC


It's not about friend or foe; it's about opportunity Somalis have more success in African developing countries. There are countless success stories from Somalis in African countries than in west or Arab countries.
you dont sign freedom of movement with a hostile state (kenya/ethiopia) that has troops in your country. its really simple. :gucciwhat:
It's not about friend or foe; it's about opportunity Somalis have more success in African developing countries. There are countless success stories from Somalis in African countries than in west or Arab countries.
Somalis have achieved plenty of success in other Arab states, especially in the UAE.

I’m not opposed to signing trade agreements with Kenya & other East African countries, but there’s zero need to join a political bloc that ultimately conflicts with our interests. The Somali-Kenyan maritime dispute is the best example.

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
you dont sign freedom of movement with a hostile state (kenya/ethiopia) that has troops in your country. its really simple. :gucciwhat:
You're blowing this out of proportion. The majority of soldiers don't even do all that much; if you're discussing Jubbaland, then perhaps I should be concerned, but anyhow, it's too early to speak on it just yet.

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
Somalis have achieved plenty of success in other Arab states, especially in the UAE.

I’m not opposed to signing trade agreements with Kenya & other East African countries, but there’s zero need to join a political bloc that ultimately conflicts with our interests. The Somali-Kenyan maritime dispute is the best example.
Maybe "some" success, but no where near the ones in Africa for now. It is better to observe if our interests are at any risk but for now it's best to keep our options open.


You're blowing this out of proportion. The majority of soldiers don't even do all that much; if you're discussing Jubbaland, then perhaps I should be concerned, but anyhow, it's too early to speak on it just yet.
somalia has no industry and his signed for freedom of movement of products with countries with industries. do you know what that means?

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
somalia has no industry and his signed for freedom of movement of products with countries with industries. do you know what that means?
Somalia has no industry in part because of decades of war and conflicts that have prevented the development of infrastructure and industrial capabilities. Signing agreements for freedom of movement is a step towards boosting economic development and creating more opportunities for Somalis to thrive, regardless of their profession.
Can’t wait for Babatunde to lead us into glorious years ahead where the lamagoodle have failed!


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Somalia will officially become a Bantu country. We already have a rising indegenous Bantu population. But now Tanzanians kenyans and congolese will come and settle in Somalia.

Somalia will no longer be a Cushitic majority country.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Somalia will officially become a Bantu country. We already have a rising indegenous Bantu population. But now Tanzanians kenyans and congolese will come and settle in Somalia.

Somalia will no longer be a Cushitic majority country.
This is a konfur issue us Northerners won't be affected by this


Guul iyo Gobanimo
You guys are way too uninformed about this whole EAC thing. Our sovereignty is not it jeopardy, we just joined an economic block which will be beneficial for the economic sectors all over Somalia and for the Somalis living in other EAC member countries. This will make it easier for somali traders to do business and will give Somalia a significant economic growth.

Don’t fall for this misinformation about Somalia joining a federation which is clearly not true!
Somalia will officially become a Bantu country. We already have a rising indegenous Bantu population. But now Tanzanians kenyans and congolese will come and settle in Somalia.

Somalia will no longer be a Cushitic majority country.
Freedom of movement, freedom of religion, and a federated 1 nation composed of Kenya, Congo, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Somalia, Uganda, Alhamdulillah I am in the west the land of snow bunnies/Latinas/Xalimos!

HSM is truly a men of many talents from clannist, corrupt, to now ending Somalia as a nation and its people.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Are you forgetting Waqooyi is only a drive away from koonfur. Once these guys are done colonizing the south it's only a matter of time before they start looking for fresh pastures up north.
We are racist towards Oromos who are fellow cushites what makes you think we'll accept others, besides no one wants to settle in Sanaag.


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