Somalia Admitted into EAC

Are you forgetting Waqooyi is only a drive away from koonfur. Once these guys are done colonizing the south it's only a matter of time before they start looking for fresh pastures up north.
Good luck getting past Galmudug
toast the knowing mad max fury road GIF
I'm of the opinion, that Somalia should not have joined this economic integration. First and foremost due to political instability. Secondly i favor protectionism and the promotion of local industries for maximum self-sufficiency, in opposition of becoming the dumping ground for surplus products.


You guys are way too uninformed about this whole EAC thing. Our sovereignty is not it jeopardy, we just joined an economic block which will be beneficial for the economic sectors all over Somalia and for the Somalis living in other EAC member countries. This will make it easier for somali traders to do business and will give Somalia a significant economic growth.

Don’t fall for this misinformation about Somalia joining a federation which is clearly not true!
You cant talk sense to retards sxb, these guys have certainly proven to me that somalis do really have low IQ


Ride The Lightning
We’re pulling the biggest fleece in our diplomatic history, they will only lose on this deal. It’s a total rip off like romania joining the EU but we still have to hear these BBC cuckold fantasies nacalaa jaahilka idin dhashe wass

You can’t win with z00m4l1s y’all deserve the failed state. Kikuyu laga cabsado wlgey ma arkin fucking bare pussy niggas in here
You can eventually travel and visit visa free. If starting business or seeking employment you will need permit


EAC citizens have the right to establish their business in any Partner State and pursue economic activities in accordance with the national laws of the Partner State.

Self-employed persons are able to carry out their work across the region, and be entitled to social security schemes in the host country.

The Protocol requires Partner States to remove all restrictions on the right of establishment based on the nationality of the companies, firms and self-employed persons.

For more information on Self-employment regulations, refer to the Common Market Annex on Right of Establishment.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
You guys are way too uninformed about this whole EAC thing. Our sovereignty is not it jeopardy, we just joined an economic block which will be beneficial for the economic sectors all over Somalia and for the Somalis living in other EAC member countries. This will make it easier for somali traders to do business and will give Somalia a significant economic growth.

Don’t fall for this misinformation about Somalia joining a federation which is clearly not true!
Only thing I’m worried about is whether kenya is looking to appeal the ICJ case to the EAC. They never recognized the ruling so they may be looking to try again while HSM is still president.
Bro this federation goal got ended long before Somalia joined. When they expanded to countries Such as South Sudan. As I said before, we joined a economic bloc
Somalia already joined AFCFTA we don’t need this. Tell me why a so called economic integration is going to have a unified army called EAF? Show me where it ended?
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Southerners celebrating this are lost man, they are in better position to set up shop in Somalia than vice versa. They already have their fucking troops here and now your bringing their businessmen ?


True Puntlander
HAG honesty bring chaos to Somalia and let us like langaab. First sign of defeat was refuse Somali parliament compete for international seat, Second soon will be marine waters agreement with Kenya, we will hear we reach deal!.

The Question is, in what cost??. So Amisom stay in South Somalia to safe HAG from Alkabaab?.
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