The same principle holds.What of the Agnostics who believe that their is a God who created them, but they have to many doubts in the prehistoric/modern day religions?
Doesn't Allah punish them in Hellfire for an eternity?
Some theologians argue that hell is not eternal because an infinite punishment for a finite number of sins is fundamentally unjust, and because of some ayahs which suggest otherwise. I will have to look them up. Others argue hell is a metaphor, not a real place, because no genuinely humane and compassionate being, let alone the most humane and compassionate, which is how Allah is described, would support torture. I incline to this view. I believe torture is contrary to a civilized outlook, and there is nobody more civilized than Allah.
I don't understand how an agnostic could believe in God though. Isn't the essence of agnosticism that one is undecided about his existence? Perhaps you meant deism? Also, are you the agnostic in question? If so, you need to come to my dugsi for dawah.