Somalia and Kenya leaders to meet in Uganda over sea border dispute

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The wire :it0tdo8:
You reminded me how much I miss it


Serious question if Farmaajo isn’t going to settle out of court why go to Kenya?

This isn’t looking good. Wonder if the usual N&N bootyclappers would withdraw support if he indeed settled out of court...

Kenya’s condition to restore ties was to settle out of court.
Serious question if Farmaajo isn’t going to settle out of court why go to Kenya?

This isn’t looking good. Wonder if the usual N&N bootyclappers would withdraw support if he indeed settled out of court...

Kenya’s condition to restore ties was to settle out of court.

If if if

Why you jumping the gun
The tweet clearly says why he's there

Kenya is not in a position to dictate
This is merely giving Uhuru a way out of the mess created by their poor foreign policy


P.M Abiy is desperat for a nobel peace prize. He tried pulling off a photo opportunity between Somaliland and Somalia with him in the middle as some sort of a peace maker. Kudos to Somali intelligence operatives who have gotten a warning beforehand hence why Farmajo rejected this meeting because apparently its internal politics and has nothing to do with Ethiopia. ONLY two different presidents from two RECOGNIZED countries having problems between themselves CAN be given counsel to come to the table and sort out their issues. That is why P.M Abiy is again trying hard for a photo opportunity.

My message to somalis is to stay strong. Farmajo is no push-over. He knows what he is doing and he is giving peace a chance. But there is no way in hell Kenya will get somali territorial waters. Somalia for the Win.

P.M Abiy is desperat for a nobel peace prize. He tried pulling off a photo opportunity between Somaliland and Somalia with him in the middle as some sort of a peace maker. Kudos to Somali intelligence operatives who have gotten a warning beforehand hence why Farmajo rejected this meeting because apparently its internal politics and has nothing to do with Ethiopia. ONLY two different presidents from two RECOGNIZED countries having problems between themselves CAN be given counsel to come to the table and sort out their issues. That is why P.M Abiy is again trying hard for a photo opportunity.

My message to somalis is to stay strong. Farmajo is no push-over. He knows what he is doing and he is giving peace a chance. But there is no way in hell Kenya will get somali territorial waters. Somalia for the Win.


Well said

Serious question if Farmaajo isn’t going to settle out of court why go to Kenya?

This isn’t looking good. Wonder if the usual N&N bootyclappers would withdraw support if he indeed settled out of court...

Kenya’s condition to restore ties was to settle out of court.


Every Somali from the moryaans opposition damul jadiid to the biggest N&N guy knows this.
P.M Abiy is desperat for a nobel peace prize. He tried pulling off a photo opportunity between Somaliland and Somalia with him in the middle as some sort of a peace maker. Kudos to Somali intelligence operatives who have gotten a warning beforehand hence why Farmajo rejected this meeting because apparently its internal politics and has nothing to do with Ethiopia. ONLY two different presidents from two RECOGNIZED countries having problems between themselves CAN be given counsel to come to the table and sort out their issues. That is why P.M Abiy is again trying hard for a photo opportunity.

My message to somalis is to stay strong. Farmajo is no push-over. He knows what he is doing and he is giving peace a chance. But there is no way in hell Kenya will get somali territorial waters. Somalia for the Win.



peace is vital between the two brotherly countries, we have to patch things up for the sake of our people and businesses across borders. Somalia will never give up an inch of it’s territory, I don’t see our president willingly handing over something we will never budge over :)
P.M Abiy is desperat for a nobel peace prize. He tried pulling off a photo opportunity between Somaliland and Somalia with him in the middle as some sort of a peace maker. Kudos to Somali intelligence operatives who have gotten a warning beforehand hence why Farmajo rejected this meeting because apparently its internal politics and has nothing to do with Ethiopia. ONLY two different presidents from two RECOGNIZED countries having problems between themselves CAN be given counsel to come to the table and sort out their issues. That is why P.M Abiy is again trying hard for a photo opportunity.

My message to somalis is to stay strong. Farmajo is no push-over. He knows what he is doing and he is giving peace a chance. But there is no way in hell Kenya will get somali territorial waters. Somalia for the Win.


First it was "Farmaajo locked Somaliland from meeting Ethiopia"

Then when Somaliland went to Ethiopia, "Somalia allowed Somaliland to meet Ethiopia"

Now, you say "Somalia denied a meeting with Somaliland in Ethiopia"

Funny thing is when Biixi went to Ethiopia, Farmaajo flew the next day to Djbouti. Where he was told that Biixi doesnt want isku sawir hallmark moments, wait your turn:dead:
C'mon the guy signed 30 year fish rights to China for $1m. The Turks got the Mogadishu port and the airport for free. This is the last MOU all over again

This is oil my friend. He will see himself driving cabs before midnight. He will be impeached.
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