Somalia before Wahabissm

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رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
thier was no shiiah in saudia arabia you fucking idiot, also where in islam does it command you to kill innocent muslims becosue you disagree with what they have to say and believe
may allah curse abdul wahab the murdering killer

he was a criminal who curropted islam he had no authority on the deen only the noble ulamas and scholars could make rulings on the deen. he has caused bloodshed and destruction and his slafist follwoers do the same today may allah curse him


Surah noor Ayah 31 does not specifically say cover you're hair
It says cover you're chest

No wheel does it command women to cover their hair muslim women at the time of the prophet did not cover their hair only his wives did

It is not compulsory


"Except that which [necessarily] appears thereof"

> Insert the Hadith that literally elaborates on what is considered to appear thereof: “when a girl reaches her adulthood she should not uncover of her body except this and that and he [Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him] pointed to his face and his hands."

:mjcry: Give yourself a break, walaal. Everyone except liberal Muslims and apparently you knows that a practicing Muslim woman must wear the hijab; you're only confusing yourself.


10 pages of nonsense lol.:liberaltears:

Wallahi, I'm so disappointed in myself for being so active on this thread :lawd: What do I achieve when people just refuse to comprehend basic Islamic rules? I have a test in Goverment tomorrow but instead of studying like an intelligent person, I'm sitting here and engaging in online debates with faraaxs about tenants of Islam that one could just simply Google.


View attachment 71273
"Except that which [necessarily] appears thereof"

> Insert the Hadith that literally elaborates on what is considered to appear thereof: “when a girl reaches her adulthood she should not uncover of her body except this and that and he [Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him] pointed to his face and his hands."

:mjcry: Give yourself a break, walaal. Everyone except liberal Muslims and apparently you knows that a practicing Muslim woman must wear the hijab; you're only confusing yourself.
the surah states the private parts must be coverd and the chest nothing about the hair

Nowhere does it saye the hijab itself is compulsary or forced


Wallahi, I'm so disappointed in myself for being so active on this thread :lawd: What do I achieve when people just refuse to comprehend basic Islamic rules? I have a test in Goverment tomorrow but instead of studying like an intelligent person, I'm sitting here and engaging in online debates with faraaxs about tenants of Islam that one could just simply Google.
The simple tenants is the 5 pillars of Islam
Not forcig women to wear hijab and if they don't it means their not Muslim
That's bullshit


the surah states the private parts must be coverd and the chest nothing about the hair

Nowhere does it saye the hijab itself is compulsary or forced


I'mma just shoot myself--really. Get a gun and just end it.

*takes a deep breath*

@geeljire madaxweyne

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Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
The simple tenants is the 5 pillars of Islam
Not forcig women to wear hijab and if they don't it means their not Muslim
That's bullshit

"And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed."

[al-Noor 24:31]


Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
View attachment 71273
"Except that which [necessarily] appears thereof"

> Insert the Hadith that literally elaborates on what is considered to appear thereof: “when a girl reaches her adulthood she should not uncover of her body except this and that and he [Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him] pointed to his face and his hands."

:mjcry: Give yourself a break, walaal. Everyone except liberal Muslims and apparently you knows that a practicing Muslim woman must wear the hijab; you're only confusing yourself.
oh shieet did not realize you posted the same verse as me now I will be framed a wahabi.:drakelaugh:
Wallahi, I'm so disappointed in myself for being so active on this thread :lawd: What do I achieve when people just refuse to comprehend basic Islamic rules? I have a test in Goverment tomorrow but instead of studying like an intelligent person, I'm sitting here and engaging in online debates with faraaxs about tenants of Islam that one could just simply Google.


No, you aren’t defending Islam from your fellow Muslims but you are defending Mohamed Abdulwahab and his ideology from others. That kind of “keligii Muslims” is why Wahhabism (their terror arm) is devastating the Muslim world and in particular Somalia in the form of Alshabaab.

@geeljire madaxweyne

Sxb, you’ve been abandoned by the Gedo crew, give up or u qeeylo dhaami reer Somaliland.

Samaalic Era

@Lolalola I saidit before on another thread they start with Somali history then they will start changing Islam for their own sake kulha hijab is not mandatory:francis:
I support Somali history and i said before that i would not change a single law which includes Hijab. 1980s is not Somali history but some only choose to look at post 1960 and communist era


oh shieet did not realize you posted the same verse as me now I will be framed a wahabi.:drakelaugh:

"Wahabi" is now a catch-for-all word that encompasses anybody who tries to follow the rules of Islam, don't you know? Now that we've exposed you...


You darned Wahabi--you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Really, I lost family in Pakistan because of your likes.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
"Wahabi" is now a catch-for-all word that encompasses anybody who tries to follow the rules of Islam, don't you know? Now that we've exposed you...


You darned Wahabi--you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Really, I lost family in Pakistan because of your likes.
Hijab is mandatory in isla....




Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Shia? Do know what they believe? Was it in defence from people attacking him? He preached pure tawheed and called people to worship Allah(Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) with no partners. Stop slandering him. He has achieved victory from aiding Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) religion. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) make us steadfast upon this religion. And Allah knows best.


You wanted a debate but this is probably gonna be my last reply.

The liar said:

ومعلوم: أن أهل أرضنا، وأرض الحجاز، الذي ينكر البعث منهم أكثر ممن يقر به، والذي يعرف الدين أقل ممن لا يعرفه

“It’s known regarding the people of our land (i.e. Najd) and the land of al-Hijaz, that those among them who reject the resurrection [after death] are more than those who accept it and that those [among them] who know the religion are less than those who do not…”

Source: al-Durar al-Saniyyah 10/43

Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ Al-`Uthaymīn has objected to taking proof from the aforementioned verse of the Qur’ān [and had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful] as he said in his formal legal opinions (Fatāwā [1]) what follows:

Idh (when) is an adverb [denoting time] that has passed by and not an adverb [denoting action that will take place] in the future. Allāh has not said: ‘And had they, when they are unjust’, rather Allāh said ‘when (idh) they were unjust’. Hence this verse is referring to something that took place during the life of the Messenger of God [sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam]. And the possibility that the Messenger of God [sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam] asks forgiveness for them after his death is something impossible. This is due to the fact that after the death of a person all of his actions are discontinued – as the Messenger [sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam] has said – except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge which is being benefited from or a righteous child who prays for him. Hence there is no possibility for a man to ask forgiveness after his death for anyone, or even for himself, because his deeds have been discontinued.” (End of quote.)

Here is a rejection of so called 'grave worship" by the giant classical scholar Imam Faqi Diin Ar Razi

Grave worship being similar to idol worship Allah (Ta’ala) said:

“And they worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: “These are our intercessors with Allah.” Say: “Do you inform Allah of that which He knows not in the heavens and on the earth?” Glorified and Exalted be He above all that which they associate as partners with Him!” (Yunus : 18)

Fakhrudin Ar-Razi in the Tafsir of this verse mentioned different sayings of scholars about how the Mushriks took idols as intermediary towards Allah, and he mentioned in fourth explanation:

“They built these statues and idols upon the forms of their Prophets and leaders (Akabir), and they believed that when they would worship these idols, then these leaders (Akabir) would become intercessors for them in front of Allah. And what is similar to this in our times is the veneration (ta’zeem) of a lot of people among the creation of the graves of their leaders (Akabir), with the belief that if they venerate their graves, then they (leaders) will be intercessors for them in front of Allah.”


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The following is a short excerpt on the subject of tawassul and istigatha from Chapter 3 of Qadi Yusuf Al-Nabhani’s شواهد الحق في الاستغاثة بسيد الخلق

Al-Shaykh al-Ramli said: And the Messengers, Prophets and the Awliya have [the ability to] assist after their death because the miracles of the Prophets and Karamat of the Awliya are not severed following their death.

As for the Prophets, then they are alive in their graves praying and performing Hajj as it has come in the reports. So assistance from them will be a miracle from them. And the martyrs as well, they are also alive, and have been seen, openly fighting the disbelievers.

As for the saints then it is a Karamah from them. [End of quote from al-Ramli]

Shaykh ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nablusi mentioned after that a fatwa of al-Allamah Imam Abdul Hayy al-Shurunbulali al-Hanafi –rahimahullah, in summary, was his saying:

“As for Tawassul through the Prophets and Awliya, then it is permitted; as it is not to be doubted that a Muslim believes that it is Prophets or others of the Awliya that bring about a fulfillment of ones needs conditioned by the will of Allah and His Power. Whenever it is possible to interpret the speech of a Muslim as having a correct meaning void of what necessitates imputation of disbelief, then this is the obligatory route that must be followed.” (end quote of al-Shurunbulali)

Abdul Ghani (al-Nabulsi) then narrated the legal verdict of Shaikh Sulayman al-Shabarkhiti al-Maliki with that (which coincides with the verdict of al-Ramli) and followed it with (the verdict) of Shams al-Shubri al-Shafi’i of which i have brought forth at the end of the first chapter of this book. After that he (al-Nabulsi) said:

And this is a reproduction of what the Imam al-Humam Shaikh Muhammad al-Khalili replied with, and then he (al-Nabulsi) mentions his verdict, in its length up to where al-Khalili said:

“And know that opposition to the folk, meaning the Sufis is what causes abandonment and it will bring its practitioner to a valley of loss, as has been textually stated by the Allamah, our Imam Ibn Hajar. So it is feared for whoever opposes them an evil end-as has occurred with many people thereby being despised and prevented from success. So whomever Allah wishes to guide, He expands their breast to Islam, and whoever He wished to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted.



No, you aren’t defending Islam from your fellow Muslims but you are defending Mohamed Abdulwahab and his ideology from others. That kind of “keligii Muslims” is why Wahhabism (their terror arm) is devastating the Muslim world and in particular Somalia in the form of Alshabaab.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's ideology largely echoes that of the early Salafs, so yes, I am defending Islam. Also, I've been arguing with *insert that guy who I'm too lazy to mention* about the hijab for the last several pages, which is not a uniquely "Wahabi" part of Islam. Before this new era of "Modernism", there was no debate about whether or not the hijab was a part of Islam--it was universally agreed upon that it was. Shia, Sunni, Shafi'i, Sufi. Even in the 20th century where secular socialism and communism prevailed, no one was lying about the significance of the hijab but rather everyone just didn't care. I'm genuinely confused about those who argue against it like *you know him*. What is he trying to accomplish by denying something that is so clearly a part of our faith?


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
thier was no shiiah in saudia arabia you fucking idiot, also where in islam does it command you to kill innocent muslims becosue you disagree with what they have to say and believe
may allah curse abdul wahab the murdering killer

he was a criminal who curropted islam he had no authority on the deen only the noble ulamas and scholars could make rulings on the deen. he has caused bloodshed and destruction and his slafist follwoers do the same today may allah curse him


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
10 pages of nonsense lol.:liberaltears:
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's ideology largely echoes that of the early Salafs, so yes, I am defending Islam. Also, I've been arguing with *insert that guy who I'm too lazy to mention* about the hijab for the last several pages, which is not a uniquely "Wahabi" part of Islam. Before this new era of "Modernism", there was no debate about whether or not the hijab was a part of Islam--it was universally agreed upon that it was. Shia, Sunni, Shafi'i, Sufi. Even in the 20th century where secular socialism and communism prevailed, no one was lying about the significance of the hijab but rather everyone just didn't care. I'm genuinely confused about those who argue against it like *you know him*. What is he trying to accomplish by denying something that is so clearly a part of our faith?
Sad seeing somalispot jumping on this trend.
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