Somalia before Wahabissm

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The Quran and sunnah contains numerous commands that prohibit" blind following" of others in-cluding jurist and school of islamic law.

I could have written or summarised some of the quotes from the book -so I've attached some pictures from the book.

  • On Wahhabi Islam and the Theology of Dignity, Khaled Abou El Fadl

    On Patriarchy and Women in Islam, Khaled Abou El Fadl

sheekh Khaled abou el fadl has wote many books on women role in islam+ wahabi theolgy.

even one of the sons msb- had enough of wahabism

He wants to return to a “moderate Islam that is open to all religions and to the world.” As he told TIME earlier this year:

And this is what we are trying to show to the Saudi people and to challenge them with the practice of the First, Second, Third Saudi Arabia before ’79 and also the practice of the Prophet himself in his days.

He added: "So if someone comes and says “women cannot participate in sport,” we tell them how about the Prophet raced with his wife. If someone comes and say “women cannot do business,” the wife of the Prophet, she is a businesswoman and he used to work for her as a Prophet. So also the Prophet’s practice, it is in our side. So I believe we can do it very fast."


In the piece published on March 22, the crown prince said that Wahhabism, widely accused of being the source of terrorism, was used as a tool against Soviets during the Cold War era, and the Saudi-funded expansion of the sect was done on the demand of the United States.

Investments in Wahhabi-linked mosques and madrassas overseas "were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union," he said.

Successive Saudi governments lost track of the effort, he said, and now “we have to get it all back.” Funding now comes largely from Saudi-based “foundations,” he said, rather than from the government.

Wahabism needs be killed of in somalia- it will be tough.


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رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
The Quran and sunnah contains numerous commands that prohibit" blind following" of others in-cluding jurist and school of islamic law.

I could have written or summarised some of the quotes from the book -so I've attached some pictures from the book.

  • On Wahhabi Islam and the Theology of Dignity, Khaled Abou El Fadl

    On Patriarchy and Women in Islam, Khaled Abou El Fadl

sheekh Khaled abou el fadl has wote many books on women role in islam+ wahabi theolgy.

even one of the sons msb- had enough of wahabism

He wants to return to a “moderate Islam that is open to all religions and to the world.” As he told TIME earlier this year:

And this is what we are trying to show to the Saudi people and to challenge them with the practice of the First, Second, Third Saudi Arabia before ’79 and also the practice of the Prophet himself in his days.

He added: "So if someone comes and says “women cannot participate in sport,” we tell them how about the Prophet raced with his wife. If someone comes and say “women cannot do business,” the wife of the Prophet, she is a businesswoman and he used to work for her as a Prophet. So also the Prophet’s practice, it is in our side. So I believe we can do it very fast."


In the piece published on March 22, the crown prince said that Wahhabism, widely accused of being the source of terrorism, was used as a tool against Soviets during the Cold War era, and the Saudi-funded expansion of the sect was done on the demand of the United States.

Investments in Wahhabi-linked mosques and madrassas overseas "were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union," he said.

Successive Saudi governments lost track of the effort, he said, and now “we have to get it all back.” Funding now comes largely from Saudi-based “foundations,” he said, rather than from the government.

Wahabism needs be killed of in somalia- it will be tough.
Nothing worth watching.
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