Ogaden are most immigrants how could they have more seat than warsangali? 5 fucking mj got 12 on what basis? thier numbers are exaggerated really Mahmoud saleeban iyo Cali saleeban oo langaab ah waxa inn ka badan miya jiira?![]()
If you can't tell we also got fucked and is because of your shitty uncle karashNo need for fight among us look at juba man what he is saying in other thread!
If you can't tell we also got fucked and is because of your shitty uncle karash![]()
If you can't tell we also got fucked and is because of your shitty uncle karash![]()
Why the hate? I know Hawyie who prefer to live and work PL than MogadishuAs long as he ain't DaroodI couldn't care less
WhyI do not know this guy buton you
This is doomed to failDivision of the new parliament by clan has been announced:
Ogaden immigrants kulaha. LOL hating ass laangaab.
Mareexan have 14 and Habar Gidir have 16 get off our nuts for having only 10.
If you want to compare numbers look at Absame and Harti because they're on the same level. Absame has 12 while Harti has 27
waar wadanka xaran ku naaxh bàa tihiinsiyad bare baa nagu qasbaay oo yri cano boraha haa loo qaaso oo dalka niikeena caagdheer ha lagu soo dhwayao ka bacadi abaarti dabo dheer in 70s iyo 80s. hadana mareexaan daroodki kale ba ku qabsateen jubbland
Why should we care bro, it's just politics we've always been misrepresented in SFG nothing new making a fuss about it isn't worth it so chillOgaden are most immigrants how could they have more seat than warsangali? 5 fucking mj got 12 on what basis? thier numbers are exaggerated really Mahmoud saleeban iyo Cali saleeban oo langaab ah waxa inn ka badan miya jiira?![]()
We do live in Jubaland, my subclan have significant population down south albeit they don't call themselves Warsangeliis he warsangali? lool muxuu naga rabaa waxan. we don't even see each other and live worlds apart.
only people against the Shiikh Axmed Madoobe Dynasty would be the retards that don't want to see Jubbaland prosper. God bless him