Somalia: Era of the States


A Laandheere always pays his debts
After the kingdom of Germany split up in the 14th century, it took them 700 years to reunite, and they're still not united (Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein were all part of the German Kingdom originally.)

Somalia is going through the same thing that happened to Germany. Other countries took over parts of their kingdom (France, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary) and their kingdom broke up into literally thousands of "autonomous" states, technically led by the Emperor but in reality independent.

The most powerful German states were Austria, who held the title of Emperor after the 1400s, and took over the non-German kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary, and fought the Ottoman Empire for control of the Balkans, and the Marquis of Brandenburg, who controlled the Teutonic Knights crusader order and annexed their lands in the Baltic when the order dissolved, and invaded Poland and took over the Polish land, and declared themselves the Kingdom of Prussia.

France over the centuries devoured one weak German state after another, and ended up in control of about a quarter of Germany. In the 19th century Napoleon invaded and gobbled up the rest of Germany. Prussia and Austria along with Russia and the UK attacked them and a long and bloody war ensued, with Prussia the clear winner, ending up with about half of Germany in the end. Germany invaded France in 1871 and took the rest of French Germany from France, and formed the new "German Kingdom", including all the countries that used to be part of Germany except the ones I mentioned at the top.

The rest you probably know already, WW1, WW2...

Somalis are on the way down unfortunately, into fragmentation and the "Era of the States". It will be a long time before Somalis will be united.

Ethiopia is "France" (gobbling up and ruling over most of the Somalis) Djibouti is "Netherlands", Kenya is "Denmark", Puntland at the moment is "Austria" (Hold "Emperor" post), Somaliland is "Brandenburg" (Seeking independence from the empire and equal title, support "crusader" movements), and southern Somalia is the rest of "Germany".

Germans were once very tribal, and the states formed in Germany were Tribal states (Saxony for the Saxones Tribe, Lothringia for the Allemanes Tribe, Bavaria for the Bavariones Tribe, Burgundy for the Burgundiones Tribe) that were only loosely brought together by the powerful warlord Carl the Great (Charlemagne), who was a Frankone tribal leader (their state is Franconia for the Frankones). Carl conquered Italy and France while he was at it. Then they split off states with special roles, like border states to defend the empire, making the marches of Austria (East-Country, on the east border) and Brandenburg (on the border with Poland) as well as a Palatine count who had special authority. Then the Roman Catholic Church wanted states for their archbishops, so the Archbishoprics were made in Trier, Mainz, etc.. Eventually every powerful family wanted their own state, and carved the country up into a thousand pieces.

Somalis are lucky in that they don't have the Roman Catholic Church to deal with, but the possibility for endless fragmentation is there.

Somalia should have a name change and be now called S.M.G (Soomaali Maamuul Goboleed), similar to UAE (United Arab Emirates) indicates a group of states formed under one banner, S.M.G would reflect a group of larger federal states formed under one banner too. This Era of States will be a defining moment in S.M.G's history given its the healthy understanding and development that Somalia as a central polity no longer exists and won't do so in the near future (and if you have pipedreams of Somaliweyn, its pragmatically more likely to let NFD (South Jubaland) and Somali Galbeed (Ogadenia, Reserve Area & Hawd) be their own federal states and to integrate them slowly over time rather than trying to centrally conduct this experiment.
Most of them are disorganized paper states that would just be taken over by kebab if governance doesnโ€™t improve soon and drastically . Maybe what you are saying will happen in the north when harti re-somalize the half-oromo iidoor. They are prolly better off being separate though. SSC concentration camps are already over crowded.

