Somalia is NOT ready to extract Oil & Gas

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Reformation of Somaliland
corruption is a huge issue, we need people to stop supporting their corrupt subclan leaders and hold them accountable. I have no faith in the new government.

That's great Renewable Technology & Desalination.

Did you know you can buy a small solar Desalination equipment from China for $5-10K it converts about 1000 litres maybe more an hour


the pussy is never yours, its just your turn.
In a perfect world, Somalia's government would have a fund where the proceeds of the resource exploration goes into;

  • Security with amazing benefits for security forces
  • Infrastructure with a focus on cheap and clean energy to attract investors.
  • Education- mainly vocational colleges so that our youth have useful skills instead of useless degrees
  • Basic income for every Somali national to boost the economy, this will also make working for AlShaydan/criminal groups unappealing.
  • Public housing for low-income families
  • TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY with public watch groups monitoring all government activity.

FAT salaries for public officials to prevent them from double dipping.

IF we had decent people with an average IQ leading us, this could be possible.
Insha'Allah, this will happen. We have suffered enough.
Well said, i agree with you 100%

It seems majority of somali people dont have the capacity to see the bigger picture, they are constantly arguing about trivial things.
Idk if this is because of iq or our culture.

We are a cursed people. Sometimes it all seems so hopeless, we are doomed to be a failed nation...
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