Somalia Oil Agreements and Legislation Approved internationally


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Do you have any idea how long it takes to find, develop and begin production of an oil field? It takes a minimum of 10 years. In the case of Somalia, a country with 0 infrastructure, it will take at least 15. If oil were found today, production would not begin until ~2040 that production would begin.

ps. Very irresponsbile of the national broadcaster to use an incorrect map of the FMS. Stupid
It’s 2024 sxb, technological advancement in the oil industry has surpassed that of the past. A perfect example would be the nation of Guyana. It’ll take a mere few years to extract oil in Somalia, that is if the right deal is made. A quick Google search would help in your understanding.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Russia, United States, Qatar, etc aren’t. I am just weary of all these political and economic blocs that are usually dominated by a specific country that might have completely different national interests to that of Somalia in the long term.

We should make contracts with some countries for their supply of oil. Indonesia and Pakistan are good candidates, same with Bangladesh. We could also be major oil suppliers to EAC countries.

