Somalia only exists on paper

Cissa and Gadabuursi are not small clans. Clearly you are a shisheye that does not interact with them. Nor do you know of their size or dynamics. They are the largest Dir clans with very long histories of kingships so put some respect on their names.

My bad I didn't mean to cause offense or make into a langaab v landheere thing. I know cisse run Djibouti and live in the Ogadeen, and even fought alongside Ahmed Gurey against the amxaaro. And that Awdal is majority Gadabuursi.

However, I was just talking about political dominance and differences in numbers. For example, it's no offence to the other subclans but everyone knows that Abgaal,Gaaljecel,Habar Gidir are the biggest Hawiye tribes....muursade,xawadle,duduuble,baadicade,sheekhaal are smaller in relation to them. For Darood the dominant tribes are Ogadeen and Majerteen followed by dhuulbahante,marexaan,leelkase,awrtable etc.

I thought Isaaq were the biggest Dir tribe? Followed by Cissa, then Gadabuursi, biyomaal,Surre etc

I didn't mean to make it into a competition. But my intention was that the Somali political scene has been dominated by Hawiye v Darood v Isaaq rivalry(forgetting that Cissa run a whole country lol). If we were to elect a king it couldn't be from any of those three tribes since they are distrustful of each other. Rather it should be a tribe that no one has a grudge against, and which is seen as neutral.

So yeah I should've said a neutral tribe not smaller since for us Somalis it's a personal attack lol
30+ millions of believers muslim somalis blessed by GOD with the biggest coastline in the historic birth continent of mankind, Africa, is a nightmare to our infidels enemies. Hence why the colonisers divided us into minions states that can't even bite. Same fate happened to the Islamic world at large.

If we are going to survive in the long term, we have to adapt to the norms of the new world we Live in 2024.

Either we use qabil in a good way or it will lead to our downfall. Since we can't get rid of it as it is mentioned in the holy quran. Tribes are there to be recognized for and not to discriminate against each other. We have no other way but to master the art of qabil into functioning government in effective manner.

I suggest we create parties along qabil lines and drop qabil federal states nonsense. Lets say Qabil X wins the election. Mind you majority of all somalis have to vote for this qabil X to win the elections. If elected by the majority of somalis then said Qabil X will establish a government to serve the whole of somalis for a term. The rest of the somalis will watch and learn how this qabil fades in serving the overall somalis while the other qabils will be opposition waiting for their turns.

1 qabil 1 party movement.

Todays 4.5 quota is the worse cancer ever happened to somalis. Not only it is Islamically haram as some human beings are referred as half of their fellows, it does not even make the politics norms of the 21st century.

For example if President is Hawiye the prime minister has to be Darod and vice versa has to stop immidiately. Not only it is Islamic haram it sets an idiotic precedent for future generations. Lets say you are highly qualified but you cant fit it in since you neither of them. This leaves you out the consideration and is retarded because somalis in general are much more diverse than these only two options.

That is why every qabil must have their own party. If you Qabil X then you have to run for Qabil X. Somalis in general will then choose which Qabil agenda serves them right for the term.

Imagine there is a general elections and here are the parties:

1. Qabil A
2. Qabil B
3. Qabil C
4. Qabil D
5. Qabil E

all somalis must choose one qabil to lead them in a term.

Qabil D has been elected. Then it is the job of Qabil D to form a government entirely made of Qabil D to lead all somalis in general.

Once their term is up they must follow constitution and peacefully transfer power to the newly elected qabil by somalis.

Simple as that. Somalis are obsessed with qabil so why not form qabil based parties instead the 4.5 nonsense and the rotation qabil nonsense going on today.

This will be much easier to assemble all somalis. Todays use of qabil is outdated and borderline retarded.

Inchallah khair for Somalis.

You know they actually did this 1960s and it didn't work.

Clan should be pushed out of upper tiers politics and into the local levels regelated to socio-comunnal issues


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
My bad I didn't mean to cause offense or make into a langaab v landheere thing. I know cisse run Djibouti and live in the Ogadeen, and even fought alongside Ahmed Gurey against the amxaaro. And that Awdal is majority Gadabuursi.

However, I was just talking about political dominance and differences in numbers. For example, it's no offence to the other subclans but everyone knows that Abgaal,Gaaljecel,Habar Gidir are the biggest Hawiye tribes....muursade,xawadle,duduuble,baadicade,sheekhaal are smaller in relation to them. For Darood the dominant tribes are Ogadeen and Majerteen followed by dhuulbahante,marexaan,leelkase,awrtable etc.

I thought Isaaq were the biggest Dir tribe? Followed by Cissa, then Gadabuursi, biyomaal,Surre etc

I didn't mean to make it into a competition. But my intention was that the Somali political scene has been dominated by Hawiye v Darood v Isaaq rivalry(forgetting that Cissa run a whole country lol). If we were to elect a king it couldn't be from any of those three tribes since they are distrustful of each other. Rather it should be a tribe that no one has a grudge against, and which is seen as neutral.

So yeah I should've said a neutral tribe not smaller since for us Somalis it's a personal attack lol

There are no reliable numbers to substantiate claims about which Somali clans are the largest. Making such assertions based on biases rather than tangible evidence is misguided. I pointed out that you are underestimating certain populations and relying on subjective assumptions, not facts.

For instance, more Ciise and Gadabuursi populations live in Somali Galbeed (Ethiopia) than in Somalia proper. Their presence there far exceeds their numbers in Awdal or Djibouti. Historically, Gadabuursi and Ogaden have not shared such borders. We live in Harawa and they do not. Referring to that area of Somali Galbeed as "Ogaden" is misleading and does not align with historical or contemporary maps of clan settlements. I maintain my position that you are shisheeye (outsider) and should refrain from speaking on matters you are not well-informed about.

You are likely either Darood or Hawiye, and perhaps not fully aware of the actual dynamics. I’d suggest listening to individuals like @NidarNidar, @Arkan, or @Araabi, as they have the knowledge and time to provide a more accurate perspective.

Lastly, no Somali clan is neutral—everyone has some level of responsibility for historical conflicts. That said, Ciise and Gadabuursi tend to be far less tribal and political in public spaces. They don’t air their dirty laundry online, which is admirable compared to others. We also do not like bragging about who we are or what we do, as we see it as beneath us. I agree that not all Somalis share the same microculture, and that much is certain.
War dadkan yaa iga qabta? Cashar buu ii noqday, qabiil Somali dambey yaraan ma ku tilmaami doono.

seth meyers paper GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


♚Sargon of Adal♚
There are no reliable numbers to substantiate claims about which Somali clans are the largest. Making such assertions based on biases rather than tangible evidence is misguided. I pointed out that you are underestimating certain populations and relying on subjective assumptions, not facts.

For instance, more Ciise and Gadabuursi populations live in Somali Galbeed (Ethiopia) than in Somalia proper. Their presence there far exceeds their numbers in Awdal or Djibouti. Historically, Gadabuursi and Ogaden have not shared such borders. We live in Harawa and they do not. Referring to that area of Somali Galbeed as "Ogaden" is misleading and does not align with historical or contemporary maps of clan settlements. I maintain my position that you are shisheeye (outsider) and should refrain from speaking on matters you are not well-informed about.

You are likely either Darood or Hawiye, and perhaps not fully aware of the actual dynamics. I’d suggest listening to individuals like @NidarNidar, @Arkan, or @Araabi, as they have the knowledge and time to provide a more accurate perspective.

Lastly, no Somali clan is neutral—everyone has some level of responsibility for historical conflicts. That said, Ciise and Gadabuursi tend to be far less tribal and political in public spaces. They don’t air their dirty laundry online, which is admirable compared to others. We also do not like bragging about who we are or what we do, as we see it as beneath us. I agree that not all Somalis share the same microculture, and that much is certain.
I take Ethiopian statistics with a grain of salt, as they underestimate the actual figures by at least 50-100% in the SR. The Awbare district or Teferi Ber as the Ethiopias called it( it means gate of fear/awe), primarily inhabited by the Gadabuursi, is the most populous district, followed by Jigjiga. Gadabuursi communities reside in the Dembel & Shinile district, Dire Dawa. Considering these areas and populations across Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti, a conservative estimate places the total Gadabuursi population between 1.5 million and 2 million, the Isa would be closer to 1m-1.2m from what I've seen.

Keep in mind that Gadabuursi and Isa are sub-sub-clans of Dir, the Madaluug Dir still live in parts of Southern Somali and in the SR region absorbed by Ogaden clans, and the Isa are the last in the line of Madobe Dir.

Half the population in Awdal is rural, but we tend to inhabit the same towns and cities, irrespective of sub-clan, we live next to Isa, Jidwaq, Jaarso Geri Koombe and Gurgura in Ethiopia.



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For example, it's no offence to the other subclans but everyone knows that Abgaal,Gaaljecel,Habar Gidir are the biggest Hawiye tribes....muursade,xawadle,duduuble,baadicade,sheekhaal are smaller in relation to them.

If Murusade is small then how did they manage to close down Mogadishu’s port during the brutal civil war of the 90s while simultaneously building their own private airport inside Xamar? No one was allowed to bring anything in to Xamar. The fact that you called Gadabursi and Ciise small shows your lack of understanding of clan sizes.


There are no reliable numbers to substantiate claims about which Somali clans are the largest. Making such assertions based on biases rather than tangible evidence is misguided. I pointed out that you are underestimating certain populations and relying on subjective assumptions, not facts.

For instance, more Ciise and Gadabuursi populations live in Somali Galbeed (Ethiopia) than in Somalia proper. Their presence there far exceeds their numbers in Awdal or Djibouti. Historically, Gadabuursi and Ogaden have not shared such borders. We live in Harawa and they do not. Referring to that area of Somali Galbeed as "Ogaden" is misleading and does not align with historical or contemporary maps of clan settlements. I maintain my position that you are shisheeye (outsider) and should refrain from speaking on matters you are not well-informed about.

You are likely either Darood or Hawiye, and perhaps not fully aware of the actual dynamics. I’d suggest listening to individuals like @NidarNidar, @Arkan, or @Araabi, as they have the knowledge and time to provide a more accurate perspective.

Lastly, no Somali clan is neutral—everyone has some level of responsibility for historical conflicts. That said, Ciise and Gadabuursi tend to be far less tribal and political in public spaces. They don’t air their dirty laundry online, which is admirable compared to others. We also do not like bragging about who we are or what we do, as we see it as beneath us. I agree that not all Somalis share the same microculture, and that much is certain.

I deleted an earlier comment that I made. But let's just put it this way...

There is a subset of Somalis (whom I consider quite similar to extreme liberals). They wear the cloak of anti qabiil... but when you scratch the surface are the biggest qabiilists. Always be careful from the ones who are 'anti qabiil', or the ones who have the Somaliweyne ideology. They are the slimiest ones.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I deleted an earlier comment that I made. But let's just put it this way...

There is a subset of Somalis (whom I consider quite similar to extreme liberals). They wear the cloak of anti qabiil... but when you scratch the surface are the biggest qabiilists. Always be careful from the ones who are 'anti qabiil', or the ones who have the Somaliweyne ideology. They are the slimiest ones.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of Somaliweyne, as long as it serves the greater good while aligning with the interests of individual clans. Blind patriotism, however, is misguided; as humans, we act in pursuit of tangible benefits no one does anything entirely selflessly. The ideal of Somalia as a unified nation lasted only about nine years before it deteriorated and became compromised.

I have little trust in so-called international partners. The Islamic Courts Union (ICU) was a functional and locally driven solution. Instead of supporting it, external forces dismantled it with the help of Ethiopia and as support for extreme factions with the ICU made way for Al-Shabaab to continue destabilizing the south, politically and ecologically, with sponsors from the gulf states.
If Murusade is small then how did they manage to close down Mogadishu’s port during the brutal civil war of the 90s while simultaneously building their own private airport inside Xamar? No one was allowed to bring anything in to Xamar. The fact that you called Gadabursi and Ciise small shows your lack of understanding of clan sizes.

Xumaan haa u qaadin. Did I say they were small or were smaller in relation to Abgaal and HG? Am I lying or is it the truth? For Cissa /gadabuursi I may be ignorant but Hawiye not so.

Anyways, mentioning tribal sizes has turned things sour which wasn't my intention to begin with.

Btw @Araabi sometimes its better to think good of people than assuming the worst. Honestly it slipped my mind about Cissa/Gadabuursi living in the Somali region and them ruling Djibouti, it was an honest mistake. When i mentioned them and sheekhaal it was more me praising them because I believe they are dad nabad jecel who havent been heavily involved in the qabiil issues that we have gone through and so are a tribe imo that people can get behind and support.


There is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of Somaliweyne, as long as it serves the greater good while aligning with the interests of individual clans. Blind patriotism, however, is misguided; as humans, we act in pursuit of tangible benefits no one does anything entirely selflessly. The ideal of Somalia as a unified nation lasted only about nine years before it deteriorated and became compromised.

I have little trust in so-called international partners. The Islamic Courts Union (ICU) was a functional and locally driven solution. Instead of supporting it, external forces dismantled it with the help of Ethiopia and as support for extreme factions with the ICU made way for Al-Shabaab to continue destabilizing the south, politically and ecologically, with sponsors from the gulf states.

Somaliweyne is a fine concept. However it's been destroyed by the people who are compromised by qabiil politics which is why it will never happen in our lifetime.
Xumaan haa u qaadin. Did I say they were small or were smaller in relation to Abgaal and HG? Am I lying or is it the truth? For Cissa /gadabuursi I may be ignorant but Hawiye not so.

Anyways, mentioning tribal sizes has turned things sour which wasn't my intention to begin with.

Btw @Araabi sometimes it’s better to think good of people than assuming the worst. Honestly it slipped my mind about Cissa/Gadabuursi living in the Somali region and them ruling Djibouti, it was an honest mistake. When i mentioned them and sheekhaal it was more me praising them because I believe they are dad nabad jecel who havent been heavily involved in the qabiil issues that we have gone through and so are a tribe imo that people can get behind and support.
I know you didn’t mean to be rude or offensive. I just came to correct your post. There is no census out there that shows clan a is larger than clan b. The Italian made census was deemed inaccurate by the Italians themselves so no point using that as a reference. Besides Italians loved certain clans over others, especially the sellouts.

Murusade is equal to Hiiraab. There is a reason why you will find us in HG dominant regions like Galkacyo, Hobyo etc while also being in Mudulood dorminant regions like Xamar and the two shabelle’s on top of our presence in Ethiopia.

The thing is, certain clans have xishood and don’t brag about it constantly online compared to others. You have to remember it was Murusade that led and defeated the Ethiopians in Xamar with the later backing of Duduble and few HG sub tribes near Ceylasha. The rest of these so called large clans were either too pussy to fight or happy with the Ethiopian occupation.
I take Ethiopian statistics with a grain of salt, as they underestimate the actual figures by at least 50-100% in the SR. The Awbare district or Teferi Ber as the Ethiopias called it( it means gate of fear/awe), primarily inhabited by the Gadabuursi, is the most populous district, followed by Jigjiga. Gadabuursi communities reside in the Dembel & Shinile district, Dire Dawa. Considering these areas and populations across Ethiopia, Somalia, and Djibouti, a conservative estimate places the total Gadabuursi population between 1.5 million and 2 million, the Isa would be closer to 1m-1.2m from what I've seen.

Keep in mind that Gadabuursi and Isa are sub-sub-clans of Dir, the Madaluug Dir still live in parts of Southern Somali and in the SR region absorbed by Ogaden clans, and the Isa are the last in the line of Madobe Dir.

Half the population in Awdal is rural, but we tend to inhabit the same towns and cities, irrespective of sub-clan, we live next to Isa, Jidwaq, Jaarso Geri Koombe and Gurgura in Ethiopia.

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Learnt something new. The Awbare District has more populace than the Jigjiga District? You know I actually don't know much about the tribes that live in Somali Galbeed, calling it Ogadeen has warped my perception. I knew Cissa lived in Somali galbeed but i didn't know it was that much, I thought Gadabuursi only lived in Awdal and Djibouti. I know also Mursaade Karanle live in Somali Galbeed and many other dir tribes but I'm not acquainted on them.

The population of Djibouti online says it is roughly 1 million with 60% Somali from Cissa/Gadabuursi/Isaaq. Add Awdal as well and Somali Galbeed then I understand why you guys took offence.
I know you didn’t mean to be rude or offensive. I just came to correct your post. There is no census out there that shows clan a is larger than clan b. The Italian made census was deemed inaccurate by the Italians themselves so no point using that as a reference. Besides Italians loved certain clans over others, especially the sellouts.

Murusade is equal to Hiiraab. There is a reason why you will find us in HG dominant regions like Galkacyo, Hobyo etc while also being in Mudulood dorminant regions like Xamar and the two shabelle’s on top of our presence in Ethiopia.

The thing is, certain clans have xishood and don’t brag about it constantly online compared to others. You have to remember it was Murusade that led and defeated the Ethiopians in Xamar with the later backing of Duduble and few HG sub tribes near Ceylasha. The rest of these so called large clans were either too pussy to fight or happy with the Ethiopian occupation.

Bro i have much love for Mursade, everyone knows that you're the real Ansar's down south kkk

Inshallah from now on I won't speak based on assumptions since I have a lot to more learn about Somali tribes. And because everyone will get their knickers in a twist lol
Learnt something new. The Awbare District has more populace than the Jigjiga District? You know I actually don't know much about the tribes that live in Somali Galbeed, calling it Ogadeen has warped my perception. I knew Cissa lived in Somali galbeed but i didn't know it was that much, I thought Gadabuursi only lived in Awdal and Djibouti. I know also Mursaade Karanle live in Somali Galbeed and many other dir tribes but I'm not acquainted on them.
75% of Dir and 75% of Karanle’s live outside Somalia. Same with other Hawiye tribes like Gugundhabe, Xaskul etc This is why Gurgaarte dominates the political scene in Somalia as they are the largest laf inside Somalia
75% of Dir and 75% of Karanle’s live outside Somalia. Same with other Hawiye tribes like Gugundhabe, Xaskul etc This is why Gurgaarte dominates the political scene in Somalia as they are the largest laf inside Somalia

Is there a good map showing the different tribes in Somali Galbeed? Is this one accurate? I found this one online after searching, and yeah I can see issa/gadabuursi have a large chunk of land in the Somali Galbeed.

If its somewhat accurate, yo I didn't know Degodi and other hawiye tribes live in NFD to such an extent. And that the Hawiye Gaaljecel and sheekhaal tribes are surrounding the Kismayo area like that ? Wallahi its the first time I've heard of Dir Gurgura and Gariire, and I'm surprised to see on the map that Karanle, Gugundhabe and Dir tribes are right at the border with oromia.

Another thing the jigjiga area is labelled with jidwaaq branches of bartiire, abaskul and yabarre, and also the Gerikombe tribe...ka waran I thought ogaden baa meesha leh.

Looking at that map with how Dir/Darood/Hawiye are all intersected with each other just makes me realise even more that not one tribe can gain dominance in Somalia, it is impossible the only thing that can work is cooperation and mutual respect.
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Is there a good map showing the different tribes in Somali Galbeed? Is this one accurate? I found this one online after searching, and yeah I can see issa/gadabuursi have a large chunk of land in the Somali Galbeed.
View attachment 348868

If its somewhat accurate, yo I didn't know Degodi and other hawiye tribes live in NFD to such an extent. And that the Hawiye Gaaljecel and sheekhaal tribes are surrounding the Kismayo area like that ? Wallahi its the first time I've heard of Dir Gurgura and Gariire, and I'm surprised to see on the map that Karanle, Gugundhabe and Dir tribes are right at the border with oromia.

Another thing the jigjiga area is labelled with jidwaaq branches of bartiire, abaskul and yabarre, and also the Gerikombe tribe...ka waran I thought ogaden baa meesha leh.
It’s extremely difficult to make an accurate clan map. This map gives us a ruff idea. Degodia is a very large clan. They are the largest in Kenya and are even counted as natives in Sidame.Here is Fardaano (Degodia) counted amongst the native clans of Sidame along with Sexawle (Karanle).


Garad Cali confirming the Hawiye of Sidame here. Watch from 5:30 onwards.
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Also remember highland Agro pastoralist clans have a much more denser population than the pastoralist from the lowlands.

Here you have just some of the Karanle towns in Ethiopia and beyond.
Post in thread 'Why Do Somali Say Majerten Enslaved Hawiye?'

We even supply milk to 2 capitals Addis Ababa and Xamar

Post in thread 'Jabuuti is behind the Sitti conflict'
@Kun_Ciil This was from a few months ago. Listen to the elders. Irir ( Dir and Hawiye) can be found living in huge towns and cities beyond Somali galbeed deep in Ethiopia close to the capital

There are no reliable numbers to substantiate claims about which Somali clans are the largest. Making such assertions based on biases rather than tangible evidence is misguided. I pointed out that you are underestimating certain populations and relying on subjective assumptions, not facts.

For instance, more Ciise and Gadabuursi populations live in Somali Galbeed (Ethiopia) than in Somalia proper. Their presence there far exceeds their numbers in Awdal or Djibouti. Historically, Gadabuursi and Ogaden have not shared such borders. We live in Harawa and they do not. Referring to that area of Somali Galbeed as "Ogaden" is misleading and does not align with historical or contemporary maps of clan settlements. I maintain my position that you are shisheeye (outsider) and should refrain from speaking on matters you are not well-informed about.

You are likely either Darood or Hawiye, and perhaps not fully aware of the actual dynamics. I’d suggest listening to individuals like @NidarNidar, @Arkan, or @Araabi, as they have the knowledge and time to provide a more accurate perspective.

Lastly, no Somali clan is neutral—everyone has some level of responsibility for historical conflicts. That said, Ciise and Gadabuursi tend to be far less tribal and political in public spaces. They don’t air their dirty laundry online, which is admirable compared to others. We also do not like bragging about who we are or what we do, as we see it as beneath us. I agree that not all Somalis share the same microculture, and that much is certain.
Aren't you doing the same thing though?
Is there a good map showing the different tribes in Somali Galbeed? Is this one accurate? I found this one online after searching, and yeah I can see issa/gadabuursi have a large chunk of land in the Somali Galbeed.
View attachment 348868

If its somewhat accurate, yo I didn't know Degodi and other hawiye tribes live in NFD to such an extent. And that the Hawiye Gaaljecel and sheekhaal tribes are surrounding the Kismayo area like that ? Wallahi its the first time I've heard of Dir Gurgura and Gariire, and I'm surprised to see on the map that Karanle, Gugundhabe and Dir tribes are right at the border with oromia.

Another thing the jigjiga area is labelled with jidwaaq branches of bartiire, abaskul and yabarre, and also the Gerikombe tribe...ka waran I thought ogaden baa meesha leh.

Looking at that map with how Dir/Darood/Hawiye are all intersected with each other just makes me realise even more that not one tribe can gain dominance in Somalia, it is impossible the only thing that can work is cooperation and mutual respect.
There are 5 versions of this map floating around,
My bad I didn't mean to cause offense or make into a langaab v landheere thing. I know cisse run Djibouti and live in the Ogadeen, and even fought alongside Ahmed Gurey against the amxaaro. And that Awdal is majority Gadabuursi.

However, I was just talking about political dominance and differences in numbers. For example, it's no offence to the other subclans but everyone knows that Abgaal,Gaaljecel,Habar Gidir are the biggest Hawiye tribes....muursade,xawadle,duduuble,baadicade,sheekhaal are smaller in relation to them. For Darood the dominant tribes are Ogadeen and Majerteen followed by dhuulbahante,marexaan,leelkase,awrtable etc.

I thought Isaaq were the biggest Dir tribe? Followed by Cissa, then Gadabuursi, biyomaal,Surre etc

I didn't mean to make it into a competition. But my intention was that the Somali political scene has been dominated by Hawiye v Darood v Isaaq rivalry(forgetting that Cissa run a whole country lol). If we were to elect a king it couldn't be from any of those three tribes since they are distrustful of each other. Rather it should be a tribe that no one has a grudge against, and which is seen as neutral.

So yeah I should've said a neutral tribe not smaller since for us Somalis it's a personal attack lol
most cisse and gadabursi live in ethiopia, sitti zone is actually way bigger than djibouti, and it’s occupied by cisse, as well as gadabursi having a larger territory than awdal in ethiopia