Do they even have sunscreen in Somalia? Imagine bleaching your skin with no sun protection yikes!
What worries me the most is that I highly doubt they're getting good quality botox or fillers. At the end of the day, Africa now has an emerging middle class who are going to spend their money similar to women in the West. Beauty is a billion dollar industry so it doesn't suprise me that a business man/woman will try and tap into that market and bring it to women back home.
People need real doctors, instead of going to India or turkey, but Muqdisho thought it was okay to open a aesthetic clinic.
Reminds me of when Djzoober opened a hair transplant clinic in Muqdisho and refused to get hair transplant. Somalis are so gullible sometimes.
Always look at the shoes of the person making your shoes. Why waste your money if the person trying to sell it to you is not doing it.