Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is why that Somalia needs one man one vote.

I mean look at this trap. Farmaajo made enemies along the way and now his enemies have gathered like a Hyena in the Serengeti.

With all honesty, the Somali public’s choice would’ve been Farmaajo but what you got here is a coalition of mainly Hawiye flexing their muscles.
What's @Oceanblue wacesley sub horta ?
Some of These wacesley caddes are always on their wacesley supramost shit lol .
Walaalaheena harti ABG are our imaams laakin i hope the sheikh doensnt fumble this time around
Harti abgaal are leaders of abgaal no doubt I’m just talking about SS ….he is so naive not a good choice for Harti to bring inshallah they bring new blood after this election for them. Wacesyle stayed with HSM


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
What's @Oceanblue wacesley sub horta ?
Some of These wacesley caddes are always on their wacesley supramost shit lol .
Walaalaheena harti ABG are our imaams laakin i hope the sheikh doensnt fumble this time around
My reer ayeeyo wacayslo are cunsuriyeen walle. They identify as wacaysle before abgaal only them and dauud do that
Instead of getting cash, they’re gonna give us Newcastle United shares.

I tried going to sleep but I kept seeing that smiling donkey bastard whenever I closed my eyes.


Insha Allah the man you insult may soon be your president, be careful warya

farmajo has screwed up the nation, we need a hawiye to win, ideally hassan

hassan sheikh refused to hand over ONLF members when ethiopi asked him, he said get lost on 7 occasions, the boon did it , waa langab, hassan is a landeer and landeer doe snot fear anyone

there is no daroodnimo to be fair, our biggest enemy, each man for his own now


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
What happened to all the wadani talk?

What happened to your bootyclapping?

You used shake your booty for PL for some shaax and Abu Walad biscuits. Three years of screaming landheernimo for your adeer to get f*cked on television like he’s on p*rnhub.

Get out of my mentions you clown.

farmajo was useless bro, he allowed a cadaan MP to come to somaliland and say we will think and open to the idea of sovereignty

hassan shekh never would have allowed this, he united the country and do way more and one can drive 90 km

we Jubaland Ogaden want hassan sheikh, we want hawiye to have this one and isnha Allah Allah an OG PM

even if it doe snot happen hassan will be 1000 better than farmajo, lander abgal i noticed is better for peace and stability

abgaal and similar to Ogadens, very calm cool people who prefer peaceful existence, its why farmajo got away with it , if HG ran xamar they would have killed him

we need that lander calm chilled leadership, like ahmed madoobe, lander people have this natural calm manner, they have little cuqdad inside them

i just hope another abgaal or Hg never decides to attack Ogaden are threat, guys you need us, we can bring a lot ot the nation

do not fear us please, our Absame statues are straddled across xamar for a GOOD reason, we are natural somali defenders of deen and somalinimo and karbashed the gaalo in waamo, somaliland, DDS and even deep inside kenya we fought the British and we expanded somali lands for centuries

dont fear us and trust us, we come in peace

certain group boast we are somali father, well we are the grandfathers of somalinimo

may Allah make hassan next president

Wise man .
We native banadiris were the biggest farmajo supporters , after seeing his disaster we dont want the qashin anymore .
Is not that we dont support farmajo because of qabiil is because the majnuun failed all his promises and made things worse . Politicians cant even drive to ceelasha biyaha anymore while sh shareef was walking from ceelasha to afgooye
What happened to your bootyclapping?

You used shake your booty for PL for some shaax and Abu Walad biscuits. Three years of screaming landheernimo for your adeer to get f*cked on television like he’s on p*rnhub.

Get out of my mentions you clown.


What are you talking about clown? HSM is winning
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