Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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What laf are you bro????

The deal so far between the 2 Hawiye Candidates (AAW and HSM) is that Ogaden and MJ become PM if they win and if the Darood side (MJ and OG) win its vice-versa, the Political Elites realized that only State holding clans matter and no more will stateless mx from gedo be given high posts again.

HG is happy if Abgaals gets PM/ President and Vice versa, and so is MJ happy if Ogaden gets PM/President and vice versa.

I am Absame Kuumade. I don’t want to go into sub clans as it does not really matter bro.

I hope it’s true what you say bro. I hope only clans with a federal president will get to fix the country and work together

and I hope the strong clans in central Somalia will discard these creatures of farmajo people

they are nothing by but trouble makers.

Hassan sheikh though he waged war on jubaland and Kumade he learned his lesson after two years

Farmajo has single handedly screwed up and reversed everything Hassan created

during Hassaan time you could drive 90 km out of xamar. Now you cannot stay safe except in the villa

your people wanted to fight with Absame but realised quickly it was not worth fighting a dude who is minding his own business and lives in 3 nations

I blame Qatar deep down for bringing this creature and his other langabs though Qatar never told him to destroy the country.

May Allah remove this curse the small teeth have brought to the Somali race.

Say Amiin chaps. what a curse. What a abomination. What a waste of a golden opportunity


What laf are you bro????

The deal so far between the 2 Hawiye Candidates (AAW and HSM) is that Ogaden and MJ become PM if they win and if the Darood side (MJ and OG) win its vice-versa, the Political Elites realized that only State holding clans matter and no more will stateless mx from gedo be given high posts again.

HG is happy if Abgaals gets PM/ President and Vice versa, and so is MJ happy if Ogaden gets PM/President and vice versa.

So you have made and agreement to unite against MX:obama:

I thought we were a stateless looma oyan what happened :drakewtf:

Only one word describes you right now

Smelly Pussio
the million votes in the west take quicker then the 329 votes in somalia selections.

it will be at least 6 hours until we know the president.

Only because your uncle is using bribes. Sixir and god know what else

Siad bare and his creatures used sixir when Absame were over throwing them and taking back KiSmayo in the late 1980s

thanks to the failed criminal in villa Somalia the election will be slow

Hassan sheikh smiled and went his way when his time was up. He never used beef and or deceit to stick to power

Insha Allah I hope your uncle gets dragged out of villa Somalia and handed over to Sayid Ahmed so Sayid Qalbidagax can use him as a maid to clean his house in Kismayo.

I have personally spoken to several people of my kin who will look for Famajo so we can personally sue him like isaaqs sued former kacanist in America

we will not stop until we take every penny. Insha Allah.

no need to harm him. Just make him poor with lawsuits

he still has his Yanki passport. Saying I gave it up is a tactic Afghan politicians have used.

we will go after him even in buffalo. Even if he hides in Qatar we will sue Qatar for protecting him Insha Allah

The beauty of the west is Qatar will be forced to pay for the damages with her assets in the west.

we wil never stop

and because America and the UK and eu have refused to ever put ONLF in the terror list it makes it even easier to sue Qatar and farmajo. Insha Allah.

the best way to punish a man is through his pocket.


the million votes in the west take quicker then the 329 votes in somalia selections.

it will be at least 6 hours until we know the president.
Yeah bro, the speaker election was long and it was only 2 rounds, this might be 3 rounds, and there is going to be alot of interruptions do to last minute bribes, its going to be like the buying stocks, as one candidate gives up all the MPs that look like they voted for him will get offers of bribes.
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