Farmaajo is coming back and we are coming Madoobes head.
You haven't lost yetits rigged
Farmaajo will die standing, he is the embodiment of Seyyid maxamad Abdullah xasan when he fought till his last breath.
fax wallahi we need strong dictator and i believe that man is farmaajoFarmaajo will die standing, he is the embodiment of Seyyid maxamad Abdullah xasan when he fought till his last breath.
As they were offered to choose between Omar bin al khadaab and ibliis, nigga everyone is corrupted so need to play wadanimo card where its undueFucking disgusting parliament-
bringing back Damul shaydaan gangs
Farmaajo will die standing, he is the embodiment of Seyyid maxamad Abdullah xasan when he fought till his last breath.
Don’t compare the great king of somaliland and war hero the Sayid to this man who has destroyed Somali dignity and sold it offFarmaajo will die standing, he is the embodiment of Seyyid maxamad Abdullah xasan when he fought till his last breath.