Ignoring everything else, today we said no to autocracy and dictatorshipToday is a win for Somalia we have replaced the man who amused his power.
Ignoring everything else, today we said no to autocracy and dictatorshipToday is a win for Somalia we have replaced the man who amused his power.
That only happens after....
What are you calling for exactly?
sxb congrats and enjoy HSM, would've preferred any other candidate tbh all he's going to do is rob the state coffers blind... nonetheless the priority is a peaceful transition of power!Where is that new member at @Libaaxadda come see this karbash on your uncle
So it’s only corrupt when you don’t winThe Most Corupted Country Ever
Don't be spiteful. I hear the Isaaq army is having a time removing you from their lands.
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I know you are all drunk on HAG juice tonight but we will build SSC STATE before we allow HAG more Federal States than us. Hambalyo caawa though.
I don’t understand you naagos wallahi. Farmajo told you donkeys to fend for yourself and lsaaq have you occupied on your own soil. Your the most dishonourable, disunified and dysfunctional clan in Somalia. Wallahi I feel genuine pity when I see you lot go on your rants. Today the president of Somalia is a hawiye and the president of somaliland a lsaaq. Tell me what your folk have other than prison cells to live ln the open gas chamber of lascanood?We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. These nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud.![]()
Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.
As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though.![]()
Was Faramaajo abusing these folks
‘Guys lets thank hebel hebel who helped us remove Faramaajo’ dur dur dur
Subxanallah dadka neefda kudheganeed![]()
This country is the blind leading the blindSo it’s only corrupt when you don’t win![]()
We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. This nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud.![]()
Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.
As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though.![]()
Nacala somaliya corrupt motherfoxking tuug dam jadiid xaraash qaran hawiya hutu mooryan isbaaro family rooble baahane waxan dhan ka dambaayo nacatillahi calayk I am Gedoland now fock Somalia corrupt tuuga![]()
@gegiroor, you are entirely wrong and I will leave you to have these delusional fantasies as a child of the blessed Somaliland State.We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. This nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud.![]()
Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.
As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though.![]()