Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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Guys don't forget the temporary speaker, the old Sacad dude who played an important part to ring down Farmajoo. Someone tell me his name.

But all thanks goes to Allah swt who made victory possible.
That only happens after....

What are you calling for exactly?

Suspicious Weighing Options GIF by Law & Order

1) Ahmed Madoobe departs but after next election whcih is next year anywyas, insha Allah

2) MPs recounted again and Absame gets back the extra seats ahmed madoobe dished to small teeth for they dont deserve it, we need to recalcuate how many Mps Absame was given and cinrese our share like DDS, we are the majorty, simple us, no compromise, madoobe was too nice and weak sad

3) another ruthless Ogaden comes and teaches bare hiraale family a lesson like HG have done

4) a senate/ house of lord type created where ahmed madoobe gets a nice title like Lord of waamo and becomes a member to advsie the state leaders

5) Absame gets serious about xamar poltics and will fight for their righful place for PM?presdeitn isnha Allah

6) convince hawiye and others we are not a threat and much better to ally with us than people with little land who cannot muster 500 men to fight for them, why not choose a landeer with history instead of a yaryar terrorist

7) clean up Jubaland and destroy the terrorist

8) strength federal regional rights in the villa somalia since federal presidents usually drag their feets about state rights

9) bring back the 4 million refugees in dadaab and send them back to their regions in somalia

10) kick out the bantus in somalia, no foreigner will ver clean our mess and it hurts

11) create a 30,000 men army to defend the state, cagjar created 83,000 liyu OG lead in weeks, we will get more boys from the Motherland and make sure they defend Jubaland

12) focus on create a legacy for our kids, education, schools, roads, development - let each lander clan fix and focus on his state and become like the EU type where we meet for foreign, defence and currency

13) chase farmajo for his crimes and sue him in every nation, lets him him hard where it hurts, his stolen loot, sue him in the US since he has a American passport, never ever forgive for what he did to Qalbidagax and even others like Ikran AUN

14) make a great relations with NFD so Absame boys and girls can come to somalia for trade, education, to make sure we develop both sides of the Absame border the British divided, fake borders i do not recognise, but one step at the time insha Allah
Don't be spiteful. I hear the Isaaq army is having a time removing you from their lands.
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We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. This nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud. :ohlord: :jcoleno:

Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.

As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though. :cool:
I know you are all drunk on HAG juice tonight but we will build SSC STATE before we allow HAG more Federal States than us. Hambalyo caawa though.

exactly, a khaatumo state to counter balance a banadir state, its only fair

as an Ogaden i would actually support a SSC state, a two Harti state will be better than 2 for us and 3 for them, we need 3 in that case

farmajo mislead and tricked and abused and used his reer abti, if only they spent the time and energy on making their state a reality, after all galmudug is technically against the dastuur too

what a waste, tonight my heart is light and happy, the dictator is gone and alhamdulilah, i am so happy the criminal has been kicked out

he wasted 5 years waging war on Ogaden and Jubaland

what a waste of a golden opportunity


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. These nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud. :ohlord: :jcoleno:

Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.

As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though. :cool:
I don’t understand you naagos wallahi. Farmajo told you donkeys to fend for yourself and lsaaq have you occupied on your own soil. Your the most dishonourable, disunified and dysfunctional clan in Somalia. Wallahi I feel genuine pity when I see you lot go on your rants. Today the president of Somalia is a hawiye and the president of somaliland a lsaaq. Tell me what your folk have other than prison cells to live ln the open gas chamber of lascanood?


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Today is a very sad day.

1 man, 1 vote did not occur. No democracy.

If you want to be President, you must come from a handful of subclans, others need not apply. Another Abgal (the same Abgal as last time) is President.

I see no difference between Farmajo and HSM. Different leadership styles, same outcomes.
We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. This nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud. :ohlord: :jcoleno:

Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.

As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though. :cool:

Give it a rest ,
Your adheer cheese is gone , you wasted 5 years supporting him tell me what he has accomplished for you ?
Nacala somaliya corrupt motherfoxking tuug dam jadiid xaraash qaran hawiya hutu mooryan isbaaro family rooble baahane waxan dhan ka dambaayo nacatillahi calayk I am Gedoland now fock Somalia corrupt tuuga:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:

Ninyahow don't get high blood pressure over Somali politics.. I can't believe they brought back qoslaayo back to office.. Even Farmajo is not as incompetent as this guy :noneck::snoop:
We will not need SNA if that happens, but I gotta laugh at your loss of betting all eggs on AAW; and when he lost, now, you're painstakingly betting all hopes on HShM. This nigga will not pay the salary of the security forces. So who is gonna free you from Al-Shabaab? They just evicted your people parts of Galguduud without their belongings and without their livestock? That is in effing Galguduud. :ohlord: :jcoleno:

Gal-Nus-Mudug was concocted by President Farmaajo and it is just gonna go back to how it was.b Enjoy Sufi Militia, Al-Shabaab, and Puntland forces having a field rain on Gal-Nus-Mudug.

As for President Farmaajo, Somalia will definitely remember his positive contribution. He'll leave shoes that will be a tall order for others to fill. We'll see where HSHM-led government takes Somalia. We wish him luck though. :cool:
@gegiroor, you are entirely wrong and I will leave you to have these delusional fantasies as a child of the blessed Somaliland State.
In the most sincere way possible. Dhulbahante need to come together first and take back what was theirs. Guys like Farmaajo were never gonna save u, same will be with HSM. Federal state for SSC is likely once u have ur autonomy away from PL and SL

Now stop the calalcal
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