Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Tell that to their families whom rely on that 250 a month. I hope for their sake Farmajo winsInshallah the end of the fake tiktok SNA.
Tell that to their families whom rely on that 250 a month. I hope for their sake Farmajo winsInshallah the end of the fake tiktok SNA.
Congratulaions HSM
Unbelievable momentum. Everyone is gonna desperately try to join the train so expect a massacre last roundQosloya 110 votes!!.
Didn't farmaajo disrespect Kheyre when he was PM? Why would his votes go to him?Hassan Ali Kheyre's votes are farmaajo's. Now, that he is out, they'll go to Farmaajo. The toss up is the mps who voted for Deni.
I bet dacawo-joore was just trolling and knew from the getgo that deni aint going nowhere@Libaax-Joore what happened to Deni
HSM calmed down at the end and even ended up endorsing Jubaland lmao, y'all forget who Faroole is and what he did miyaaYa Al jeberti !
Call your MPs and remind them in HSM time galkacyo was under attack.
I have a bad feeling Deni will use his votes for HSM for PM. The guy has a sick hatred against Farmaajo. Remember he started off his campaign as his sole goal of removing Farmajo.Hassan Ali Kheyre's votes are farmaajo's. Now, that he is out, they'll go to Farmaajo. The toss up is the mps who voted for Deni.
No more Farmaajo, what a beautiful day. Farmaajo will be ran out of Villa Somalia just like his adeer
For PL, we have beef with HSM more than xarmaajo. As always PL will stand alone if MJ doesnt rule SomaliaUnbelievable momentum. Everyone is gonna desperately try to join the train so expect a massacre last round