We will help Galmudug if they fight alkabab.
I have investments in lands in the most sought after areas of Somalia, I want peace and security to build those lands . Al shabaab and corruption is our enemies not daroods
We will help Galmudug if they fight alkabab.
iA he will not return, the Cheese is expired. I hope you couldve smelled the stench sooner sxb.HSM v Farmajo in the final. A coalition of opposition votes seems likely HSM will win. If farmaajo returns I would very surprised
You sound emotionalHarti keep clam and cool. hawiye are the same. Absame are cool and calm
all are respectful.
Look at farmajo people. No daqan. No manners.
I noticed these people. Man. Or female. 80 or 18 have no manners. Always insult. Always throw cheap sweat words
No manners. Waa hunter gatherers
other Somalis are Halal. Had the bisinka read on them when they were born. But I doubt for thhem.
maybe lack of sheikhs to teach them deen ?
madoobe. Hassan. Sheikh sharif all have the sunna beard.
I have never ever met a sheikh MX or one who knows religion.
Very emotional people. It’s why we beat them in jubaland. All their tactics are smooth al and amateurish.
If you ever met one from your people with bad manners. Check his mother is not one of them.
Exactly. He threw them under the bus. His mum is one of them and alive. I hope she disowns himI dont know why they support the cheese dude is even scared to answer simple questions regarding their region
Thats nothing somali clans fight-people die and things get fixed-idoor and OG been killing eachother 500 years and its fixed now-Imagine MR who are blood.-Chill outNot really bro. I hate people whonclaim them as tol
look what they recently did in warder. They killed 5 maqabul. We liked 15 of them. This after running from HG to seek refugee.
wa moryaan and time we all woke up bro.
Nigga don't let adeero down, keep spewing your notorious scare tactics, what happened to your baghdad bob scaremongering postsHSM v Farmajo in the final. A coalition of opposition votes seems likely HSM will win. If farmaajo returns I would very surprised
I don’t know if you missed the dozen hawiye posters saying they will start a civil war if they lose fairly to farmaajo.
Doesn’t matter, there’s no need anymoreI don’t know if you missed the dozen hawiye posters saying they will start a civil war if they lose fairly to farmaajo.
Our goal is reached Farmasjo is out it’s a great day indeed!Deni doesn't want PM, he will put some other MJ in there and ask HSM to back his re-election in PL in 2024.
I hope all HG sharing yours same mentalityI have investments in lands in the most sought after areas of Somalia, I want peace and security to build those lands . Al shabaab and corruption is our enemies not daroods