Somalia rewrites history on Somaliland's independence day



Fried Rice Cooking GIF by Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)

someone criticizes GIF


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Nah, ninkaan afrikaan ma ahan. Waa hindi 2 dollar saacadii la siiyo sababtuuna waaye ingiriis fiican uuba ku hadlaa. Cawal waxaan umoode inuu kuwii cawanaada deriskeena ah laakiin kuwaas maba yaqaanaan afka ingiriiska.

You can just sense markii qofka aad lahedleesid inuu soomali yahay. This person aint that. He is a bot.
Waan ka shakisanahay qoladis. Af somali mu ku qorin wahna.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Walaal, waxaan ka shaqeeya Kerela. Xafiis oo dhan oo ka shaqaynaysa arrimaha Soomaaliland aa meeshan la ka furay.
Google translate won’t help ya, atleast reveal your subclan.

Kerela, actually Kerala is one of the richest in India. You are showing typical hindi behaviour, knocking down on your brethren. Stick to the affairs regarding the slum of Mumbai you inhabit.


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