Somalia should change its name

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Ibn Rushd

891 year old Islamic theologian
Nope, Ethiopia has like 1-2% hiv rate and it's decreasing. Somalia is synonymous with failure, poverty, and piracy. When most people think of Ethiopia they think of the long independence, history, Christianity, and cuisine. Somalians are fleeing to Ethiopia by the thousands each week. Kenyans and Ugandans are having a great time in Somalia with the women folk while running over the men on a daily.
You have no sea access only through djibouti. You have a Oromo Outbreak on the Somali kilil.
You have the biggest threat ONLF even worse than alshabab.

Ibn Rushd

891 year old Islamic theologian
I'm tired of landers and their xaabashi ass kissing. An embarrassment to the Somali name. Wish they would take the "Somali" part off their wannabe country,that way they would just embarrass themselves and not all of us.
even Somali region of Ethiopia wants to leave Ethiopia so much. They want us in because our oil reserves
I'm tired of landers and their xaabashi ass kissing. An embarrassment to the Somali name. Wish they would take the "Somali" part off their wannabe country,that way they would just embarrass themselves and not all of us.
Nigga was exposed by none other than our residential xabsahia @ሕጊ።።:cryinglaughsmiley:
Lol you never ran shit. Can't even brush your teeth lmao. Ethiopia has ruled the Horn since the beginning of history.
Hahaha u have always been our slaves don't deny it. History clearly proves it.
Bruuh we muslims taught u mouth hygiene. Who do u think invented the tooth brush?:heh::hahaidiot:
Negro, Somalians are're not doing better than anyone. Plus Ethiopia will forever rule the Horn and Africa. You guys never even ruled your country lol, so your high hope Is odd.
If we didn't rule shit, why did u s call on ur white masters then? :what1:
M8 aidstopia is on the brink of a civil war. Wake dafuq up. :drakekidding:
Somalia attacked Ethiopia with its entire army when Ethiopia was in a civil war. Somalia also got funding from the soviets at a tune of tens of millions for many years before Ethiopia received any support from the soviets. Guess what happened, Somalias army was soundly defeated and retreated. The war has lead to the deaths of millions of Somalis and the destruction of your country, but you insist that it was a great accomplishment LOL. Now Ethiopia controls your country from within and has been in Somalia for over 10 years. Somalia keeps getting poorer while Ethiopia grows to be a top economy of Africa...:childplease:
Blah blah blah:ulyin::chrisfreshhah:
Hahaha u have always been our slaves don't deny it. History clearly proves it.
Bruuh we muslims taught u mouth hygiene. Who do u think invented the tooth brush?:heh::hahaidiot:
You're telling me arabs taught you guys how to brush hahaha :liberaltears:. We've had toothbrushes since 2000bc. your ancestors were sucking Arab/camel d while we were building monuments and writing books. Please don't compare us to your filthy kind.
You're telling me arabs taught you guys how to brush hahaha :liberaltears:. We've had toothbrushes since 2000bc. your ancestors were sucking Arab/camel d while we were building monuments and writing books. Please don't compare us to your filthy kind.
U s are the biggest liars wallahi. Hope u choke on ur white masters dick.
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