Somalia - Somaliland Talks

Somalis never learn do they. Holding meetings/conferences in eth, Ken and djb are always futile for us because they gain from us being divided and they don't want to see a peaceful and united Somalia. They will sabotage reconciliation efforts while they are meant to be mediating.

This was the start of all these Addis Abbaba, Nairobi and Djibouti meeting/conferences. Case in point in this article below.

Somalis never learn do they. Holding meetings/conferences in eth, Ken and djb are always futile for us because they gain from us being divided and they don't want to see a peaceful and united Somalia. They will sabotage reconciliation efforts while they are meant to be mediating.

This was the start of all these Addis Abbaba, Nairobi and Djibouti meeting/conferences. Case in point in this article below.

Abiy is a snake, saw how quickly he switched up? Man's a murtad too, man's got no loyalty in his DNA. He was pandering so hard to them. Cringe wallahi if you saw it.
Well that that makes you guys sound like the winners but we both know the Turks have done more for Somalia than vise versa.
Only because Somalia needs more. That isn't a good thing buddy. They helped you under the guise of goodwill but are really only there for the oil and military bases. You're a charity case, we're equals on either side of a business deal. Get it right. It was sadaqah jariyah warya.
Only because Somalia needs more. That isn't a good thing buddy. They helped you under the guise of goodwill but are really only there for the oil and military bases. You're a charity case, we're equals on either side of a business deal. Get it right. It was sadaqah jariyah warya.

Sure buddy and pigs can fly right :pachah1:
calm down
Wallahi I'm not even pissed. Who the f*ck are you anyways?

