Somalia - Somaliland Talks

why are we sharing debt relief with people who want to sucede from us?
Guess what. You ain’t getting any debt without our say so. You know why? Because you’re trying to claim it on both our names. If you could simply ignore SL and get on with your stuff there would never be talks in the first place.

We are not agreeing to anything with the world bank without a path to recognition in the agreement. We already told the world bank neither Somaliland nor the Somali Republic are liable for anything you give to the Mogadishu based administration. If they give you the loan and we decide to come back to somalia we can take them to ICJ for giving a loan to a dowlad oo aan damaystiran :russ:
N&N will say "at least he didn't give them recognition" as if he had the power to do so. :ohlord:

And airspace revenue is 18 million a year, Somaliland should get all of it who cares. :russ:
The airspace is not even 18 million anymore Somaliland kicked out icao from hargeisa airport it’s now class G uncontrolled airspace go to there website :russ:


Guess what. You ain’t getting any debt without our say so. You know why? Because you’re trying to claim it on both our names. If you could simply ignore SL and get on with your stuff there would never be talks in the first place.

We are not agreeing to anything with the world bank without a path to recognition in the agreement. We already told the world bank neither Somaliland nor the Somali Republic are liable for anything you give to the Mogadishu based administration. If they give you the loan and we decide to come back to somalia we can take them to ICJ for giving a loan to a dowlad oo aan damaystiran :russ:

Somaliland won the airspace control direct aid from the donors and direct access to funds from the world bank after debt relief . This is a big loss for Somalia and it will give Somaliland complete autonomy:damn:



As if the paper wasn't enough. Somaliland is heading to recognition :damn:


North-West, London
The airspace is not even 18 million anymore Somaliland kicked out icao from hargeisa airport it’s now class G uncontrolled airspace go to there website :russ:

They never controlled the air space anyways, remember when Farmaajo banned flights landing and taking off from Hargeisa? Due to the Covid-19? 24 hours later Ethiopian Airways and FlyDubai landed in Hargeisa.



His excellency Yasin Faraton said at the end that After we finish with the former agreements of Airspace control given to Somaliland - Somaliland getting aid directly and World Bank funding directly- etc. Then the big obstacle of unity or independence will be tackled by the two committee's
We Have Somaliland Where She Belongs Isolated & Alone:

I see no point in any meetings with these crazy folks, they poor desperate and unrecognized for over 30 years.
Talking to Somalia let's them breath. They need to stay in cockhold, they are cut off from the world let's cut them off from Somalia as well.

I would talk to iidoors when they are on their fours.

I would suggest all iidoors should be exiled from any position that earns them a living.
They should receive no MPs slots in Somalia nor Minister position until they are fully on board.
No aid, no scholarships close them off completely. We need to make it punishable by law for any school or business to hire an iidoor.
We need to make condition unbearable in the triangle where civil war is either started or they come to us with their hands up.

Yes what I am suggesting is harsh but is part of soft diplomacy very often used by the West specially the United States. Sanctions always works.
Rewarding traitors who are filled with hate is unacceptable. There are thousands of iidoors in Mogadishu for work and school as their are no opportunities in the triangle.
Send them bastards packing!.


Reformation of Somaliland
Have y'all just realised...

This the deal that's similar to Hassan Sheikh & Siilanyo signed that farmaajo tore up.


Reformation of Somaliland

His excellency Yasin Faraton said at the end that After we finish with the former agreements of Airspace control given to Somaliland - Somaliland getting aid directly and World Bank funding directly- etc. Then the big obstacle of unity or independence will be tackled by the two committee's

Nobody has mentioned that before Djibouti he was in Laascaanood for several days and only came to Hargeisa on the day the team was leaving.

Bit suspicious did he go see his tribal chieftain / meeting with his community.
lol, you are dreaming boy. Wake up and smell the coffee. Somalia is the one that needs us, we are not begging to come back to Somalia. lol, take all the sheegato MP's, they do not represent us. We want nothing to do with the failed state of Somalia. The reason Somalia is holding onto us for dear life is because Somalia is nothing without Isaaqs let's be honest. Somalia went from invading Ethiopia to bending over for Ethiopia after we left. Get your shit together and fix your damn house.


Make Hobyo Great Again
I just want to remind everyone that President Deni warned that nothing good would come out of the talks without Puntland's presence.

