Somalia & the Indian Ocean

why didn't somalis colonize the indian ocean islands? Some of these islands didn't even have natives. Some of the first explorers to find some of these islands were only recently (1700-1800) found. So, why exactly did we not rule over these islands?
why didn't somalis colonize the indian ocean islands? Some of these islands didn't even have natives. Some of the first explorers to find some of these islands were only recently (1700-1800) found. So, why exactly did we not rule over these islands?
Nothing Was There We Was Trading With india And Persia



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
why didn't somalis colonize the indian ocean islands? Some of these islands didn't even have natives. Some of the first explorers to find some of these islands were only recently (1700-1800) found. So, why exactly did we not rule over these islands?

Why didn't Indians or Swahilis or Arabs? @Neero is correct in that there was no real value in most of these islands back then or people simply didn't explore far enough beyond the normal trade routes to even notice them.
Why didn't Indians or Swahilis or Arabs? @Neero is correct in that there was no real value in most of these islands back then or people simply didn't explore far enough beyond the normal trade routes to even notice them.
Do They Even Have Anything Of Value Today Most Islands Apart From Socratra Are Sinking And Maaryoole's From The East Have Always Had An Presence In That Island
:cosbyhmm: :kanyeshrug: :manny:


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Dude we’re having trouble taking over actual Somalia. The capital city is run by Burundi and those people murdered 1m of their own just a few decades ago for having the wrong nose shapes. You are asking way too much of our people.
Because our ancestors although smart and sophisticated as hell were also dumb as hell.

Odays would go preach and travel to distant lands, convert the locals and come go back home.

If the Island is empty, they would come back and probably never mention it to anybody else. They never thought "dang, let me camp over here and be one of the first humans to settle"

Then again you would have to be outright insane to match these Neanderthal Europeans.

An Cadaan would set off on an "adventure", leave his wife and kids back home, only to write back a year later saying he settled in a distant new found land and will never come back!


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Sky Geeljire is right.

Cadaans would leave their family to travel the oceans looking for land. If they were successful, they won’t come back. If they weren’t, they die at sea.

Somalis are too social for that sort of sacrifice.

We did go to Maldives tho and have a history there.


@Sky Geeljire is right.

Cadaans would leave their family to travel the oceans looking for land. If they were successful, they won’t come back. If they weren’t, they die at sea.

Somalis are too social for that sort of sacrifice.

We did go to Maldives tho and have a history there.
if the earth was flat. i am certain some cadaan dude would have walked to the edge and fell off. so theres my theory on why the world is round.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
if the earth was flat. i am certain some cadaan dude would have walked to the edge and fell off. so theres my theory on why the world is round.

Imagine, these cadaans thought the earth was flat and still decided to travel to the edge of the earth.

They were lucky they were wrong.


Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Our ancestors to my knowledge did travel to distant lands to engage in trade, culture and religion.

They set up whole trading routes and made the horn the amazon of the ancient world. A whole shit ton of what went to europe from asia passed through our ports.

I think this with some other reasons like herding and farming are to blame to why they never occupied island's.
You settle for a reason. Columbus found America not because he wanted to or had the time to, but because he thought it was a quicker way to get to India. With the Indian Ocean, there aren’t many islands and there was little use settling in an empty one.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You settle for a reason. Columbus found America not because he wanted to or had the time to, but because he thought it was a quicker way to get to India. With the Indian Ocean, there aren’t many islands and there was little use settling in an empty one.
He a whole dumb ass


Bantu Liberation Movement
They were nomads, that's why. If there was a larger fishing culture, they could have ventured further and settled on islands. Even today the number of fishermen is very small compared to nomads even though there's thousands of miles of rich fishing grounds. So the reason is culture.

