Somalia will be a multi-ethnic society

For the ethnonationalists out there who’d like to deny half-somali kids (w/ somali mothers) access/citizenship to Somalia, you ”lost” a long time ago. Somalia is already multi-ethnic and it won’t change anytime soon, infact the non ethnic somali population will only increase, and im not talking about somali bantus/benadiri/barwanis, but ethio refugees and the children of foreign jlhadis. The latter aren’t that many, but the former are far more than you think. And they’ll only increase in numbers.

By the time Somalia has ’recovered’ many would be atleast 2nd or 3rd generation, i’m so sorry but nobody will deport them in the future 😂 just as random ajanabis who’ve lived in Somalia for decades will be granted citizenship in the future so will half-somali kids
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For the ethnonationalists out there who’d like to deny half-somali kids (w/ somali mothers) access/citizenship to Somalia, you ”lost” a long time ago. Somalia is already multi-ethnic and it won’t change anytime soon, infact the non ethnic somali population will only increase, and im not talking about somali bantus/benadiri/barwanis, but ethio refugees and the children of foreign jlhadis. The latter aren’t that many, but the former are far more than you think. And they’ll only increase in numbers.

By the time Somalia has ’recovered’ many would be atleast 2nd or 3rd generation, i’m so sorry but nobody will deport them in the future 😂 just as random ajanabis who’ve lived in Somalia for decades will be granted citizenship in the future so will half-somali kids
Assuming they don’t lie about their lineage to intermix they’ll just be another sub group like the ones you mentioned earlier. The non-Somali population will increase however, the native population will increase proportionally making your point moot.

What I could see happening is overtime the ethnic Somali label dies and the nationality overtakes it. Similar to the term American. Although I’m very skeptical of this because nothing in the culture suggests this to be on the horizon.
but the former are far more than you think.
They get deported all the time by Somaliland and Puntland.

No one should have any problems with non-Somalis legally living in Somalia but you are obviously trying to troll if you think half-Somali children are even remotely a rising demographic in the country lol.
They get deported all the time by Somaliland and Puntland.

No one should have any problems with non-Somalis legally living in Somalia but you are obviously trying to troll if you think half-Somali children are even remotely a rising demographic in the country lol.
And they come right back 🤣 the funny thing is our political class are even halfassing deportations, they drop them off in the middle of nowhere IN Somalia.

Al-Kebabs burundian fighters offspring are chilling in southern Somalia. I’m sure Amisom also have left behind some ciyaal.
They get deported all the time by Somaliland and Puntland.

No one should have any problems with non-Somalis legally living in Somalia but you are obviously trying to troll if you think half-Somali children are even remotely a rising demographic in the country lol.
When you reread it you can feel her jubilation and excitement.

And they come right back
Most Ethiopian refugees use Somalia as a stopping point since their real destination is Arabia.
Al-Kebabs burundian fighters offspring are chilling in southern Somalia. I’m sure Amisom also have left behind som ciyaal.
And I'm sure American soldiers left behind plenty of half white half Iraqi/Afghani children as well. Hell, they did the same in Vietnam which they stayed for 20 years, caused zero impact in the demographics in those countries. Eventually all those children will assimilate and become no different from ethnic Somalis within a generation or two.

If Galbeed and NFD remained majority Somalis despite literally being apart of foreign countries then Somalia won't become mixed either.
And they come right back 🤣 the funny thing is our political class are even halfassing deportations, they drop them off in the middle of nowhere IN Somalia.

Al-Kebabs burundian fighters offspring are chilling in southern Somalia. I’m sure Amisom also have left behind some ciyaal.
Their offspring should never be allowed to stay in Somalia unless they are taken to classes that de-radicalizes them. We can not have another generation of people killing innocent Somalis no more.
For the ethnonationalists out there who’d like to deny half-somali kids (w/ somali mothers) access/citizenship to Somalia, you ”lost” a long time ago. Somalia is already multi-ethnic and it won’t change anytime soon, infact the non ethnic somali population will only increase, and im not talking about somali bantus/benadiri/barwanis, but ethio refugees and the children of foreign jlhadis. The latter aren’t that many, but the former are far more than you think. And they’ll only increase in numbers.

By the time Somalia has ’recovered’ many would be atleast 2nd or 3rd generation, i’m so sorry but nobody will deport them in the future 😂 just as random ajanabis who’ve lived in Somalia for decades will be granted citizenship in the future so will half-somali kids
Ethio refugees should be vetted too. Especially after what their people do to innocent people in Galbeed. Its odd how they can freely roam in our lands but we would be harmed if we practice our ideologies or freely roamed in their lands.
And they come right back 🤣 the funny thing is our political class are even halfassing deportations, they drop them off in the middle of nowhere IN Somalia.

Al-Kebabs burundian fighters offspring are chilling in southern Somalia. I’m sure Amisom also have left behind some ciyaal.
It’s a drop in the bucket compared to J Wayne + Ethnic Somali off spring amount. That amount is even smaller compared to ethnic on ethnic numbers.
It’s a drop in the bucket compared to J Wayne + Ethnic Somali off spring amount. That amount is even smaller compared to ethnic on ethnic numbers.
Absolutely. Some Somali Bantus are already accepted into some clans and yet he thinks a few soldiers having children is some how relevant.
You say that like Somalia will ever recover. Either way. No, Somalia will never become multi-ethnic society. The people are too "backwards" (one time it works too are benefit) for that to happen.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
that kinda evil its not they're fault tbh i was watching this yt video abt american soldiers and korean children they basically shipped all of these kids into adoptions and ripped them from their mothers this guys still has trauma and is looking for his mother at this age

What ever ethnic group is the majority and native to the land usually suppresses what the perceive as foreign

If you think this is bad go look up residential boarding schools in America and Canada and how children’s body’s have recently been found buried

