Somalia will never be second world country or 2.5 world country


The point isn’t that Morocco is a flex; the point is that they’re able to function as a country while having economic growth and not having terrorism in their home country. There are many perks to having a monarchy. Moroccans go outside of their homeland for jobs. If a war breaks out in Europe, they won't starve in Morocco, but I can’t say the same for Somalis back home who are dependent on Western aid. When you don’t chimp out like Danyeers, you don’t tend to get disrespected every second in international politics since you’re not fractured. The Moroccan GDP per capita is expected to go from 3.3k€ to 13k€ in 2045-50. Moroccan GDP (PPP) purchasing power will be 45% of Italy's in 2045, or any Southern European country (Spain, Greece, Italy). Sixteen years from now, Somalis back home will still be starving while North African countries continue to develop and make massive leaps when it comes to science and technology. 'My Qabiil is Landeer,' said the Somali person living back home, as if his Qabiil members wouldn’t starve if Western powers chose to cut all the aid.


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The point isn’t that Morocco is a flex; the point is that they’re able to function as a country while having economic growth and not having terrorism in their home country. There are many perks to having a monarchy. Moroccans go outside of their homeland for jobs. If a war breaks out in Europe, they won't starve in Morocco, but I can’t say the same for Somalis back home who are dependent on Western aid. When you don’t chimp out like Danyeers, you don’t tend to get disrespected every second in international politics since you’re not fractured. The Moroccan GDP per capita is expected to go from 3.3k€ to 13k€ in 2045-50. Moroccan GDP (PPP) purchasing power will be 45% of Italy's in 2045, or any Southern European country (Spain, Greece, Italy). Sixteen years from now, Somalis back home will still be starving while North African countries continue to develop and make massive leaps when it comes to science and technology. 'My Qabiil is Landeer,' said the Somali person living back home, as if his Qabiil members wouldn’t starve if Western powers chose to cut all the aid.
The entire sub Saharan Africa is cursed the only livable place in Africa is North Africa
Do you have no trust in Allah? Nations that were far worser than somali and millions of deaths have changed. Its not good to say never have hope and faith in the qadr of Allah.
We’re not even top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore despite terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects compared to the rest of stable africa and a dysfunctional government.

You doomers bring nothing to the table but negativity.
This is why the world is turning into border-less which is what it used to be. With digital currency and AI, there will be rapid changes and there will be a increase in living standards. Lol borderless is built for us, we are nomads. Allah created all lands.

Look at how rapid Asia changed. Btw I do believe there are iq differences and societies that are nomads are built to fight and bravery. Not to be in factories.

Imo White people are hybrids which works well for them. They don't have the highest iq (except Jews who have high iq) but they are smart enough. In addition they can be aggressive and fight, again not as well as Africans and Natives but good enough. See all the other races of people who couldn't survive the world are dead and gone. Especially during the time where war and violence was rampant.

I think Somalis and other Africans did great avoiding being wiped out during those times. And remember West Africans were isolated because of the Sahara for a long time and they didn't die right away when other ppl (including Europeans) came to them. So they are lucky in a way. Go read the accounts from visitors including the spies for Genghis Khan, who wiped groups ppl out.

Now anyways the whole low iq thing won't matter anymore with A.I advancements it will equal the game. And good thing we can fight since we have 30 years on our resume. We are headed to WW3 because white people will not go down without swinging. And I don't blame them. But Asian countries are tired of being 2nd to them and they are better iq wise. It's the truth outside of Jewish people your average white person cannot compete with Asians. The White race has carried a lot of dead (like dumb low iq rednecks) weight since a lot of white countries are beyond decline. And there is the brith rate.

People like to look down on Somalis and Africans to feel better about themselves. But I noticed most people are weak. And since when has being poor become such a bad thing when the greatest people on earth were often poor Prophet Issa (als) was poor, as was Prophet Mohamed (pbuh)? Also most countries are poor, the rich ones are the minority. So it makes more sense to look at why those nations because great rather than why is Somalia poor. Since poverty is the rule not the exception (70% of the world is poor). I don't like shaming but I do support challenging and pushing for excellence. Shame only helps if it is used to motivate.

Do you want to whine and complain or do you want to be the people who lift your nation up. Because the self haters are just cheerleaders and political prostitutes. They go where there is power and when Africa (along with Somalia) rises they will jump right back on us. They just aren't there when the grind to get there is happening. It took China 70 years to get to where it is. Millions suffered and died, and that is just to get to the top. Then there is the maintenence phase which is also hard. Lastly there is the decline because everything on earth ends, which is America is trying to fight against. Just my thoughts.
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Recovering from humiliation kink.
After hardship is relief is Allah's promise. Nothing lasts forever. Even countries who have it good might lose it. Look at Ukraine and sudan for example.

The somalia that I visited recently is a country compared to the one in 1991.
It's alshabaab that's doing oppression on us. And Allah gives oppressors time only as a test and then wipes them away.


Somalia has never been allowed to completely collapse, the world has been always encouraging a stalemate whenver a side gets the upperhand. Wild take maybe if al shabab were allowed to take over from 2006, somalis would have grown restless, and probably would have overthrown them by now.
We’re not even top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore despite terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects compared to the rest of stable africa and a dysfunctional government.

You doomers bring nothing to the table but negativity.
The thing is the doom people literally can help by shutting the f*ck up. That's all. They don't need to support, they don't need to claim, all they can do is just kindly go. You know how many Jews changed their name in America because they look white that all they have to do is change their name. Jon Stewart changed his name and is known to hate being Jewish. If the burden is too bad than its okay. I do see flaws in Somali culture but I also see ppl who survived all that. It's incredible mashallah. I can be compassionate to self hatred but the ones who ridicule Somali people get my flame all the time. Because racism and looking down on people is peak low iq and sick.

The thing is the whole idea of race was used to trick people who haven't done anything to feel good about being grouped with people HAVE done something. That's why you have some white people online bragging about their empires or achievement of ppl who have nothing to do with them. And believe me people like Elon or Gates look down on people like that because it's peak low iq. What's the difference between a poor white person other than luck of being born in America and a Somali person? They just won the genetic lottery. Instead of being grateful you are born in a stable country, you turn around and look down on people? That's why racism is sick.

Btw now I'm noticing some Asian people are now starting to act this way too. And some white ppl are getting jealous and annoyed because it's a mirror. Now they know what it sounds like.

Btw I'm sure Africans would act the same way too, they just don't have the opportunity too lol. So I'm not trying to talk from a soapbox because I think some humans are just like this. I've met humble people from all races.

I don't believe in going around and humbling people since Allah will always do that to them through time and death. I think it's useless to try to humble ppl like this because they will just label you jealous. It's useless.
Is this is a promotion of Morocco? Morocco has one of the highest concentration of income inequality whatever is reflected on the GDP is no way to benefit to most of the population and why a lot of them are fleeing to Europe and other places. Coming back to their homeland after Europe kicks them out wont make much difference. The unregulated Tourism has created exploitation and trafficking .

So it's not exactly a model country to look at for comparison.

And Somalis are not fully depended on western aid, most of the countries revenue is self generated from Somalis through remittances, exports and to a lesser exant through taxation. When the country collapsed that is what kept the country and population a float q large extant.

Somalia can easily become a rich developed world nation within a decade or so, given not only by it's resources but also the entrepreneurial capacity of it's people which is proven. What limits it currently is not really qabil or clan conflict persay but actually a security threat by Alshabaab that was created by a foreign policy blunder by the international community and the US.

Somalia rebuilds: ‘the glass is now half-full’​

“The government doesn’t have enough revenue. Why? Because of al-Shabaab it cannot move around the country. By liberating the country there will be a space open for the government to collect revenue,” says Sheikh Mohamud

Where it's actually achieved security in the capital of Mogadishu it is rebuilding fast and the economy and sectors are growing in many different ways.

A few posts i dropped about this in another thread :

The major Somali ports and cities are across the secure regions is also quickly developing. You should see how other capital cities like JigJiga, Garowe and Hargeisa is developing and ports like Bosaso and Berbera. Making way for central urban planning and revenue collection and funding allocation for projects.

There is a lot of improvements being made. The next coming decades will be transformative.
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Is this is a promotion of Morocco? Morocco has one of the highest concentration of income inequality whatever is reflected on the GDP is no way to benefit to most of the population and why a lot of them are fleeing to Europe and other places. Coming back to their homeland after Europe kicks them out wont make much difference. The unregulated Tourism has created exploitation and trafficking .

So it's not exactly a model country to look at for comparison.

And Somalis are not fully depended on western aid, most of the countries revenue is self generated from Somalis through remittances, exports and to a lesser exant through taxation. When the country collapsed that is what kept the country and population a float q large extant.

Somalia can easily become a rich developed world nation within a decade or so, given not only by it's resources but also the entrepreneurial capacity of it's people which is proven. What limits it currently is not really qabil or clan conflict persay but actually a security threat by Alshabaab that was created by a foreign policy blunder by the international community and the US.

Somalia rebuilds: ‘the glass is now half-full’​

Where it's actually achieved security in the capital of Mogadishu it is rebuilding fast and the economy and sectors are growing in many different ways.

A few posts i dropped about this in another thread :

The major Somali ports and cities are across the secure regions is also quickly developing. You should see how other capital cities like JigJiga, Garowe and Hargeisa is developing and ports like Bosaso and Berbera. Making way for central urban planning and revenue collection and funding allocation for projects.

There is a lot of improvements being made. The next coming decades will be transformative.

Sanctions were lifted from major Somali enterprises in 2020 and more government oversight is allowing the economy to formalize more as well and increase in revenue and expand into more markets

Somaliland has already taken steps to regulate business activity by passing a law to abolish monopoly in Telecom sector.

and Somalia is expected to follow suit with the establishment of an Anti-Monopoly Group in the capital to foster healthy free open business environment.

The lifting of the Arms embargo is expected to create more improved security for local governments and being able to secure ports and protect depots
It will be key in dismantling Alshababs criminal entreprise eating into the country's' revenue sources and keep our maritime waters safe as well.
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We’re not even top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore despite terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects compared to the rest of stable africa and a dysfunctional government.

You doomers bring nothing to the table but negativity.
And who caused terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects etc? Most of Somalias issues are due to internal causes so "muh handicap" argument makes zero sense
The entire sub Saharan Africa is cursed the only livable place in Africa is North Africa
I’m genuinely starting to believe sub Saharan Africa is doomed man. At least North Africans have a slightly better life style than the rest of us. Not a single success story in sub sahatan Africa. It’s been decades since independence and no visible progress. Almost all of these countries are still shithole that rely on foreign aid just to survive. Not one first world, developed country. At least Asia has Japan, China, Korea, UAE, even Iran to an extent. Despite being one of the most heavily sanctioned countries on earth, Iran has still managed to educate its population and have a functioning country. Seriously, what does Africa have going for it??

Can anyone give me any hope for the African continent?
We’re not even top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore despite terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects compared to the rest of stable africa and a dysfunctional government.

You doomers bring nothing to the table but negativity.
We are, I appreciate optimism as much as the next guy but let’s not cross the line into delusion. That won’t help anyone.
I’m genuinely starting to believe sub Saharan Africa is doomed man. At least North Africans have a slightly better life style than the rest of us. Not a single success story in sub sahatan Africa. It’s been decades since independence and no visible progress. Almost all of these countries are still shithole that rely on foreign aid just to survive. Not one first world, developed country. At least Asia has Japan, China, Korea, UAE, even Iran to an extent. Despite being one of the most heavily sanctioned countries on earth, Iran has still managed to educate its population and have a functioning country. Seriously, what does Africa have going for it??

Can anyone give me any hope for the African continent?
Botswana, Rwanda and Kenya could all be considered success stories. Yeah they aren't anywhere near close to the nations you listed but they are still above the rest of SSA by a good margin.

Also, Japan and South Korea recieved a ton of American investment, while the UAE and Iran have a ton of oil
And who caused terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects etc? Most of Somalias issues are due to internal causes so "muh handicap" argument makes zero sense
I agree and it's common in countries that have a high percentage of uneducated Muslims and a lack of government. You can see the same issues in Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria etc. It's an internal issue and all the right conditions helped create Al-Shabaab. The thing is a proper government trained militia can defeat them easily. So the weapons embargo will help.

I think Somalia for the longest time were dealing with the same issue as Palestinians. They don't trust regular Somalis enough to give us (legal) weapons to defeat Al-Shabaab but shame us by calling us terrorist. They even made it hard (depending where you live) to send remittance back home. This made it harder to support relatives and that allows AS to gain ground and support.

Same with Palestinians because the average Palestinian doesn't have access to weapons, so how can you expect them to get rid of Hamas? Especially when Isreal is having a hard time and they are an advanced nation. Even America had a hard time with Adided.

