Somalia will never be second world country or 2.5 world country

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
We’re not even top 10 poorest countries in the world anymore despite terrorism, corruption, lack of development projects compared to the rest of stable africa and a dysfunctional government.

You doomers bring nothing to the table but negativity.

Not even in the top 15 today, and with a rebase of the economy probably not in the top 40 at all, and that’s with all the issues you mentioned which is hampering growth in agriculture, the road network, domestic trade, livestock sector, port-activity, fisheries and real-estate construction. In 1978, Somalia had roughly the same economy as Morocco because milk production was also factored in, something that isn’t done today;


There is a clear political and NGO incentive for this doomsday narrative of Somalia, and one of the most destructive tools is the manipulation of statistics and data to present a certain reality. Think about it, a Somalia that even in its present state is not in the top 40 poorest countries of the world bracket would have widespread ramifications for world financial institutions, NGOs and the corrupt Somali elite that milk the country by dragging its name through the mud.

The country only needs a decade or two with a sound patriotic government and a strong statistics bureau that collects real time data, and it would be the biggest economic comeback story since Vietnam, and a significant part of this would be due to up to date and accurate statistics.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Not even in the top 15 today, and with a rebase of the economy probably not in the top 40 at all, and that’s with all the issues you mentioned which is hampering growth in agriculture, the road network, domestic trade, livestock sector, port-activity, fisheries and real-estate construction. In 1978, Somalia had roughly the same economy as Morocco because milk production was also factored in, something that isn’t done today;

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There is a clear political and NGO incentive for this doomsday narrative of Somalia, and one of the most destructive tools is the manipulation of statistics and data to present a certain reality. Think about it, a Somalia that even in its present state is not in the top 40 poorest countries of the world bracket would have widespread ramifications for world financial institutions, NGOs and the corrupt Somali elite that milk the country by dragging its name through the mud.

The country only needs a decade or two with a sound patriotic government and a strong statistics bureau that collects real time data, and it would be the biggest economic comeback story since Vietnam, and a significant part of this would be due to up to date and accurate statistics.
All Somalis needs is a Burkina Faso type nationalist mullah leader who rules with sharia and development first in mind. Alx we are already seeing bright minds lead in Somalia with the recent mayor in hargaysa Cabdikariim Mooge developing new beautiful neighbourhoods and building roads across the city.

Mayor not be much but it’s a step in the right direction. The future of Somalia is us the youth bro and we can develop this place into a wondering country in the future with blood sweat and tears over the next few decades
I’m genuinely starting to believe sub Saharan Africa is doomed man. At least North Africans have a slightly better life style than the rest of us. Not a single success story in sub sahatan Africa. It’s been decades since independence and no visible progress. Almost all of these countries are still shithole that rely on foreign aid just to survive. Not one first world, developed country. At least Asia has Japan, China, Korea, UAE, even Iran to an extent. Despite being one of the most heavily sanctioned countries on earth, Iran has still managed to educate its population and have a functioning country. Seriously, what does Africa have going for it??

Can anyone give me any hope for the African continent?
It’s the curse of Ham 😭
It’s the curse of Ham 😭
The people aren't cursed the land is uninhabitable. Europe used to be too. The best thing they did was become nomads and go to the Americas. Feeling proud or low about a nation is retarded. Why? The land. Even animals move around for food and water.

irish people used be ridiculed and poor. A lot fled Ireland because of a potatoe famine and became wealthy and successful. Somalis are nomads for a reason.
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The point isn’t that Morocco is a flex; the point is that they’re able to function as a country while having economic growth and not having terrorism in their home country. There are many perks to having a monarchy. Moroccans go outside of their homeland for jobs. If a war breaks out in Europe, they won't starve in Morocco, but I can’t say the same for Somalis back home who are dependent on Western aid. When you don’t chimp out like Danyeers, you don’t tend to get disrespected every second in international politics since you’re not fractured. The Moroccan GDP per capita is expected to go from 3.3k€ to 13k€ in 2045-50. Moroccan GDP (PPP) purchasing power will be 45% of Italy's in 2045, or any Southern European country (Spain, Greece, Italy). Sixteen years from now, Somalis back home will still be starving while North African countries continue to develop and make massive leaps when it comes to science and technology. 'My Qabiil is Landeer,' said the Somali person living back home, as if his Qabiil members wouldn’t starve if Western powers chose to cut all the aid.
Somalia can and should be a 1st/2nd world country. God created us and made us all speak the same language, have the same religion and culture, and we even look the same. We have common enemies, foreign countries trying take advantage of us and climate change, yet somehow we’ve found a way to fight and separate ourselves. History has shown us that our strength is in our unity and separatism countries, are mainly pushed by fear-mongering and clannism. We should all be one somalia where the clans coexist the same way US states coexist. We should help each other out when needed and share resources.
We will succeed and our country will return to its original beautiful state In sha’ Allah.
While having too much of a doomer mindset is bad. A lot of people on here are not realistic about somalia either. This is becuase they have no idea of how much work is necessary and ws put into the foundations of a lot of these second world asian countries. These countires that are just now reaching an industrialized and mostly developed status had their insutitons setup several decades ago and while they have been effected by turmoil they were never really destroyed or rendered ineffective as in the case of somalia or other african countries. Somalis best case scenario is that the oil money breaks the deadlock that the current elite are in and allows somalia to stabilize enough to bring in lots of foreign investments. This combined with bringing in foerign expertise and companies by giving them massive concessions is the only way somalia could industrialized within the next few decades.