Somalia's obese pm struggling to pray

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Switching it on me won't work. Try to defend your fellow darod another way.

You insult women, you ask men to f*ck you and your edo is the biggest Islam hater.

Now we have a man so fat he can't pray while his fellow darod were eating hyena and dead animal skin
Which kind of Muslim abstains from prayer during Ramadan? I mean, you have no respect for the holy month, that's like the ultimate rebellion against the all mighty. To add insult to injury you say that the shariah law is primitive & belongs in the dark ages, now you are poking fun at a man during prayer when you yourself don't pray. Your hatred is mainly caused due to the fact that this man is your prime minister, hada tihiin Isaac, you're part of the federal government laakinse most of you are in a dream, miise sleep walking while passionately waving the flag of Iran, I suggest you wake up from your slumber sleep & pay homage to your leader.


Your superior
Which kind of Muslim abstains from prayer during Ramadan? I mean, you have no respect for the holy month, that's like the ultimate rebellion against the all mighty. To add insult to injury you say that the shariah law is primitive & belongs in the dark ages, now you are poking fun at a man during prayer when you yourself don't pray. Your hatred is mainly caused due to the fact that this man is your prime minister, hada tihiin Isaac, you're part of the federal government laakinse most of you are in a dream, miise sleep walking while passionately waving the flag of Iran, I suggest you wake up from your slumber sleep & pay homage to your leader.

my darod friend there is no defending this no matter how hard you try. As you can read from my op you can see I am criticising his obesity which prevents him from doing simple daily things like praying meanwhile his own people (darod) are suffering in ghetto and dadaab


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
my darod friend there is no defending this no matter how hard you try. As you can read from my op you can see I am criticising his obesity which prevents him from doing simple daily things like praying meanwhile his own people (darod) are suffering in ghetto and dadaab
I bet the only reason you go to the mosque is to perv at mens derrière when they're prostrating & not looking, coward pervert ba tahay & a menace to striaght men the world over.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You go to the mosque to ask other guys to f*ck you :russ::susp:
I quoted a biggie track, but man like waraabe dedicated a whole thread to mens derrière, what did you expect when you made that thread? For the guys on here to post pictures of their asses :ftw9nwa:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I think them cadaan boys out there in country are rubbing up on you, you should hang around with Muslims, why did you abstain from praying during the blessed month? You remind me of the pharaoh, he too was rebellious against the most high, he should of tested the waters before deciding to dive in at the deep end kkkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You have made it abundantly clear on my occasions that you're a gaal & to add insult to injury now you're making fun of Muslims praying. Gaal foqol gaal, tell me would you revert to Islam if queen Elizabeth promised you ictiraaf?


Your superior
Damn you still commenting :dead:

You can't defend a fat man who is taking money Meant for poor people. Let's stop the personal attacks. :deadosama:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Damn you still commenting :dead:

You can't defend a fat man who is taking money Meant for poor people. Let's stop the personal attacks. :deadosama:
Let me get this straight, you boycott the prayer during the blessed mouth of Ramadan & now you're mocking people who are praying, you're the male version of Ayan hersi, tell me when did your crusade against Islam & Muslims begin?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In the uk staring at mens rear is a criminal offence you'll get an ASBO or maybe a few months in the nick.


Your superior
Let me get this straight, you boycott the prayer during the blessed mouth of Ramadan & now you're mocking people who are praying, you're the male version of Ayan hersi, tell me when did your crusade against Islam & Muslims begin?

Lol you are getting desperate. Stop trying to defend your clansmen. If a darod rapes your sister would you defend him?

This man is so obese he is disabled, now there is nothing wrong with being fat and obese but when you are the leader of a country with starvation, malnourished kids etc.

I am sure you would be saying the same if he was from another clan


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol you are getting desperate. Stop trying to defend your clansmen. If a darod rapes your sister would you defend him?

This man is so obese he is disabled, now there is nothing wrong with being fat and obese but when you are the leader of a country with starvation, malnourished kids etc.

I am sure you would be saying the same if he was from another clan
You have ulterior motives, you boycotted the prayer during Ramadan & now you're mocked people praying, your beef is not with this man, your beef is with Islam.

Why did you decide to boycott the prayer during Ramadan & why do you like observing mens rear?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I mean who does that, your deep disdain for Islam is quite apparent, why don't you do us Muslims a favour & stop making fun of our religion adigo mudan.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
For the record if I ever was to meet you in real life & I see you looking at mens rear, I wouldn't hesitate alerting the relevant authorities, that deal with mainly rape, pedophilia & other serious crimes of that nature. You might not view it as being serious but your victims won't feel the same, they'll feel vulnerable & will never be able to have there backs to someone, it's more of a psychological damage that you're inflicting on them.


Your superior
For the record if I ever was to meet you in real life & I see you looking at mens rear, I wouldn't hesitate alerting the relevant authorities, that deal with mainly rape, pedophilia & other serious crimes of that nature. You might not view it as being serious but your victims won't feel the same, they'll feel vulnerable & will never be able to have there backs to someone, it's more of a psychological damage that you're inflicting on them.

You are on gay apps and websites. You have been asking men on this forum to f*ck you for a long time. I am not supposed though , homosexuality is something found in your community
You have made it abundantly clear on my occasions that you're a gaal & to add insult to injury now you're making fun of Muslims praying. Gaal foqol gaal, tell me would you revert to Islam if queen Elizabeth promised you ictiraaf?

If the beggars in streets promised them ictiraaf, they will roll out the red rug for them. The Ictiraaf became their weakness point that everyone is using it against, for that reason no one will will recognize them.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If the beggars in streets promised them ictiraaf, they will roll out the red rug for them. The Ictiraaf became their weakness point that everyone is using it against, for that reason no one will will recognize them.
There was a German old man that was arrested in hargaisa, he promised people citiraaf & in exchange they gave him their daughters, it turns out that he was making videos :oh6b81q:


Your superior
If the beggars in streets promised them ictiraaf, they will roll out the red rug for them. The Ictiraaf became their weakness point that everyone is using it against, for that reason no one will will recognize them.

Ictiraaf this uctiraaf that. Why are darod obsessed with somaliland a uctiraaf. What foreigners are you planing to bring this time to fight Somalis today ?
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