The time for fossil fuels such as oil.,coal and gas is over. The world is relying more and more on green energy. Such as photovoltaic solar power and wind power.
I think Somalia could benefit from this by setting up an industry that run on green energy...there is lots of potential to setup offshore wind parks in combination with solar power parks onshore.. Just imagine exporting energy to populace African nations such as Ethiopia. We could setup a grid that connects African nations to clean energy supply. Once the investment for an offshore wind park or solar power park has been paid back its all profit except for maintenance costs.
I think Somalia could benefit from this by setting up an industry that run on green energy...there is lots of potential to setup offshore wind parks in combination with solar power parks onshore.. Just imagine exporting energy to populace African nations such as Ethiopia. We could setup a grid that connects African nations to clean energy supply. Once the investment for an offshore wind park or solar power park has been paid back its all profit except for maintenance costs.