Somalia's Sufi revival

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It's actually the bottom of your belly which 'buufs' when you inhale. Some people use it also for belly button. It's used as an insult because saying 'candho' is very impolite.
So wth does the bra confo have to do with candho ma bra ba candhada ku xiritaan :damn:


So wth does the bra confo have to do with candho ma bra ba candhada ku xiritaan :damn:

Loooooooooooooooooooooooool omg that's fucking hilarious you're imagination is genius!

no I was implying you have boobies and that you should shake them freely while hiding your awrah loooool

Did you know that bra is called 'candhasaab' Loool


Loooooooooooooooooooooooool omg that's fucking hilarious you're imagination is genius!

no I was implying you have boobies and that you should shake them freely while hiding your awrah loooool

Did you know that bra is called 'candhasaab' Loool
"You have boobies" walaal I'm going to call odayasha gogol in la dhigo weeye :mjcry:

No I don't know. Remember I'm a guy I'm learning all this from you.:lol:


What is gogol dhig? What are they going to do?

Lol it's actually a bra for ariga so their young don't nuuji all the caano.


Gogol dhig is when the odays come and solve a problem between two people. It can be about anything.

About the bra would you buy some and send it to the sisters back home? I think deodorant is far more important tbh.


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Gogol dhig is when the odays come and solve a problem between two people. It can be about anything.

About the bra would you buy some and send it to the sisters back home? I think deodorant is far more important tbh.

Some women there don't even wanna wear bras. I don't understand it. But deodorants are more important thou though. The state of some people there, ilaahiyo ii caafi for being a condescending prick. :francis:


Gogol dhig is when the odays come and solve a problem between two people. It can be about anything.

About the bra would you buy some and send it to the sisters back home? I think deodorant is far more important tbh.

Somalis back home don't stink they bathe twice a day or more if it's hot. Antiperspirant deodorant causes cancer. Let the kilkilo get rid of that sweat, it's healthier for the glands that way.

Girls do need bras though and the right fit too. I'd love to open an underwear factory in Somalia. No more granny bras from India.

I don't think you have boobies honestly but people who talk about sports with such a passion rarely play sports, not in Wales anyway.


This thread took a weird turn. :browtf:

From Sufis to boobies.

If it was a about a (the one's who must not be named because they get pedantic about it so you dont critize them) revival it would've taken a dark twist. A very dark twist. I've seen people debating amputation and beheading rulings on line, the same people who tell you you're not a Sheikh so shut up about FGM.


Somalis back home don't stink they bathe twice a day or more if it's hot. Antiperspirant deodorant causes cancer. Let the kilkilo get rid of that sweat, it's healthier for the glands that way.

Girls do need bras though and the right fit too. I'd love to open an underwear factory in Somalia. No more granny bras from India.

I don't think you have boobies honestly but people who talk about sports with such a passion rarely play sports, not in Wales anyway.
I know they bath and shit.
When I went back someone stole one of my deodorants :deadmanny:

I seen this kid who's shaati used to be wet :damn: I was like has the ni99a never heard of deodorant :damedamn:

What you gonna name it Kowdeh's kastuumo factory :chrisfreshhah:

" I don't think you have boobies" What made you think I had boobies in the first place? You think I'm shuluq like Abdi Johnson?:angryman:


Some women there don't even wanna wear bras. I don't understand it. But deodorants are more important thou though. The state of some people there, ilaahiyo ii caafi for being a condescending prick. :francis:
Open a deodorant factory adeer you'll be a hero.


I know they bath and shit.
When I went back someone stole one of my deodorants :deadmanny:

I seen this kid who's shaati used to be wet :damn: I was like has the ni99a never heard of deodorant :damedamn:

What you gonna name it Kowdeh's kastuumo factory :chrisfreshhah:

" I don't think you have boobies" What made you think I had boobies in the first place? You think I'm shuluq like Abdi Johnson?:angryman:

If they wore white cotton like our forefathers and ancestors they wouldn't sweat so much. Cotton shirts need to be imported more.

People back home nick all your imported shit. They went through my suitcase when my habo and me were out. I think roll on would be perfect there because it lasts longer but I avoid deodorant most of the year and even in the summer depending on what I'm wearing. It's the synthetic material which makes you sweat more.

Do you think I'll be allowed to make kastuumo called KowDheh? Wouldn't that be considered naughty?

You type like a slim man lol


If they wore white cotton like our forefathers and ancestors they wouldn't sweat so much. Cotton shirts need to be imported more.

People back home nick all your imported shit. They went through my suitcase when my habo and me were out. I think roll on would be perfect there because it lasts longer but I avoid deodorant most of the year and even in the summer depending on what I'm wearing. It's the synthetic material which makes you sweat more.

You type like a slim man lol
Lmao forefathers war kuwaas naga da the shit that worked for them ain't gonna fly in 2016.

"You type like a slim man" :sheed: :tocry: Cuntada meeshay iga marto ma garanayo. They say when a ni99a gets married that's when he gains weight :pachah1: Hopefully I will end up with a chick that can cook good.


Lmao forefathers war kuwaas naga da the shit that worked for them ain't gonna fly in 2016.

"You type like a slim man" :sheed: :tocry: Cuntada meeshay iga marto ma garanayo. They say when a ni99a gets married that's when he gains weight :pachah1: Hopefully I will end up with a chick that can cook good.

White cotton is still cooler in 2016 and it doesn't make you sweat more like synthetics do! It also soaks up the sweat so it doesn't dribble violently down your sides.

Can I tell you a secret? Women over feed men so they don't leave them or to prevent them from going to maqaayad and embarrassing them. Don't change bro!
I have no problem with ahle-tasawwuf. Many of the greatest classical ulemah were of ahle-tasawwuf. What should be banned is the worshiping of graves and their occupants that is packaged under tasawwuf and tawasul by the modern charlatans. Other then that both tawasul and tasawwuf are beautiful things that have a lot good in them and should be embraced.


Suicidal men adore me.
I have no problem with ahle-tasawwuf. Many of the greatest classical ulemah were of ahle-tasawwuf. What should be banned is the worshiping of graves and their occupants that is packaged under tasawwuf and tawasul by the modern charlatans. Other then that both tawasul and tasawwuf are beautiful things that have a lot good in them and should be embraced.

Let them do whatever they want to do!


White cotton is still cooler in 2016 and it doesn't make you sweat more like synthetics do! It also soaks up the sweat so it doesn't dribble violently down your sides.

Can I tell you a secret? Women over feed men so they don't leave them or to prevent them from going to maqaayad and embarrassing them. Don't change bro!

Soaks all that shiir in :hova: No thank you.

I will eat at home and at the makhaayad. Horta what happens if you end up with a woman that can't cook? Have you had a male friend that was in a situation like that? If you were a guy would you pretend your wife's food is good just so you don't hurt her feelings?
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