Somaliland and Somalia should be one from a lander


Reformation of Somaliland
Using your logic, Should everyone secede since they were targeted by Siyad Barre and had people killed in the civil war?

You're not special

Look what you're saying, filled with ignorance, do you know how life was like under afweyne in Somaliland.

The insurgency of the SNM was the last straw of the people. While people in xamar were enjoying their secular lives, in the North:

- you couldn't build more than a single storey
- anything you brought from outside was taken to Xamar
- recurring arrest for going out at night
- police and army harrasing people and taking their belongings

I'll give you one account and many can confirm

During the bombing of Burco, the army called out to all non isaaq residents to flee the city putting them all on buses and cars. Once the last resident was evacuated the bombing began leaving no building

When they saw people who remained fleeing they focused fire on where the people were.

Another extract:

When the people left their homes, they left in stock a haste b that some were barely clothed some with one sandal or no - they had to bury their possession Infront of their house and when the army found it they stole it and planned land mines in its place. Allot more people lost their lives simply trying to digup their belongings

There's many more incidence recorded but I haven't the time.

Eid Mubarak my brother
Their territory is controlled by Somalia at the end of the day, they want nothing to do with the tribalist cult of SL. If they don't wanna join you then f*ck off and leave people alone.
Does Somalia have a border dispute with SL or is it claiming Somaliland as a whole. Don’t mix your darood goals with national goals.
'Somalia' is an illusion of unity. People's true loyalty is within the internal division, i.e. qabil. This ideology of kinship corrupts everything we try to build, Somalis know this, but they don't know how to change because they see it as a vital part of their traditions and would rather regress coping with reality than evolve to something more functional.

Somali clans operate exactly like different ethnic groups, making this "one people" notion, a false statement. Somali nationalism only relied on the opposition to colonialism and was never built properly, and miscalculated the divisive power of traditional political heritage, which explains why it fragmented so easily.

In other words, the whole thing was reactively strengthened by an external entity, and Somalis never bothered to forge an ethnic identity to sustain the nationalistic aims. I don't understand why people think genetically based political identities can function under the same roof and expect it to run smoothly. It's delusional.

What we need to understand is all this is social engineering that we've conditioned ourselves with, there are no visible markers between people from different clans, and despite its powerful construction, it's very easy to solve.

Despite clan affiliation, Somalis speak the same language, believe in the same religion, and relied on the same subsistence for millennia, and have the same culture.

I think we'll have fewer dependants on segmentary affiliation as economic growth improves people's lives, but there needs to be an active process of indoctrination through education to tackle it from different dimensions.
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Let’s be honest I don’t see s/land joining Somalia anytime soon/ever. Due to this I also don’t see S/land ever prospering in any way due to lack of international recognition


Reformation of Somaliland
Everyone make this pledge, to never make any post that in any way offends another or use language to imply and insha'Allah it will be reciprocated and will return this forum into something positive rather than what it is now just tribal talk and pointless back n forth arguments which in all honesty benefits know one.


Let’s be honest I don’t see s/land joining Somalia anytime soon/ever. Due to this I also don’t see S/land ever prospering in any way due to lack of international recognition
so what is your solution to this problem
Horta change your dp please :lolbron:
Also you know these niggas aren’t nationalists but just tribes that are competing with other tribes. If you’re saying things like why don’t we all secede then you’re not a nationalist. On what grounds would you secede you never united with anyone you’re from Somalia your independence is 1st of July and why do you even want to secede. If you want to Why is that based on Somaliland. People just see it as isaaq want to secede so why don’t we. Nigga if you want to secede just say it no ones forcing you
OP meet unionist Landers and rush to make a Plat thread. Basing her entire political and world view on interactions with the diaspora bruh

so what is your solution to this problem
Neither will somalia. They will never get of the arms embargo. They will never be able to take out a loan. And a plethora of other things they need. We have peace atleast and we are industrialising now. We can wait 100 years but somalia will be wilting soon as the money on the table for a comprehensive agreement will be too tempting for their politicians.
so what is your solution to this problem
Walaal I’ve lost hope to be honest for years I fought for Union, but I recently acknowledged that we have deep rooted issues with qabiil that we can’t look past no matter which direction we go. Too much has happened in the last 30 years.


"You are your best thing"
We? You mean YOU. Not our problem at all.
Hargeisa looked like shit 30 years ago, still looks like shit today. You had no independence 30 years ago you still have no independence, learn when to throw the towel in. The biggest problem with Somalis in general is arrogance and stubbornness. South or north y’all have nothing to be proud of, waa qaashin wherever you go! We are last in every list in the world, poverty, safety, corruption etc but If Rwanda can overcome its genocide so can we but it will take healing and educating our people to overcome this
We don’t need independence, independence is only a plus its all about self determination. sis you can dream what you want but Somaliland will never join Somalia again.

It was Farmaajo and his gang who tried to sabotage the UAE DP world investment plan for the Berbera port, its nearly finished now. It was Farmaajo who tried to hijack Somalilands control over its air space, when he banned flights to and from Somaliland. But a Ethiopian plain landed in Hargeisa 24 hours later.

Never will we be rules from Xamar again, why would we put the future of our kids in the hands of Hawiye and Daarood who absolutely shat on Somalia and have been killing eachother for 30 years.

We all heard what Muse Biixi said when lapdog Farmaajo wanted to come to Hargeisa hiding behind his master Abiye Ahmed. As long as Farmaajo doesn’t recognize Somaliland no official from Somalia is welcome in Somaliland
"Investment plan"

They would own everything and it will trickle down to a psuedocolonialism under the guise of corporatism and Khaleejis trying to look good. Local Somali rulers are both inept and corrupt, and you along with them.

You should have seen Hobyo and their port. First off they were in bed with the Chinese, and my fucking sides I've seen people defending the ugly and useless star design put forth. But instead, Hobyo got in bed with the Qatari which is equally bad. Mind you I'm reer Hobyo but not a blind bootlicker.

I fucking despise any indhoyar or Khaleeji business in any part of Somaliweyn. It's all evil, and I don't trust any leader to not be used and fucked like a prostitute as long as they look good to the gullible public while lining their pockets.
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