Somaliland Attorney General quits Pimp Silanyo gov and becomes new head SFG of courts

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I won't join Somali politics currently but rather establish my own development organization, all politicians from beesha then can contribute
whether they are in Sland or south.SY interest comes first.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
So you're not even a Lander, you just happen to be from a clan that lives is part of SL's safe to say you're no different than a dhulo who :feedme:PL, SL, Somalia

That's all i wanted to know, Thanks!

Dr. Dhoobe :dabcasar:


A lowly Habusheed midgan who was allowed to become president after president halyeey Dahir
Riyaale(A non Isaaq) is not in position to dedicate who is lander or not. Go learn the definition.


Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
A lowly Habusheed midgan who was allowed to become president after president halyeey Dahir
Riyaale(A non Isaaq) is not in position to dedicate who is lander or not. Go learn the definition.


I just reiterated what you said no need to catch feelings. You clearly stated you're not a real lander, you're just there for the :feedme:...It must be your doofar ismaciil genes:ulachen001:


And what did I say? :lol: Low IQ chimp. What is next Habuusho Midgans claiming SNM
? :lol: You only had one chairman while we had two (Tuur and Koosar). Know your place
in the hierarchy of things . Those "Doofar Ismaaciils" are the same ones you begged
in Sanaag to save you from the mighty Muuse Ismaaciil and Sacad Yoonis after they kicked
out your dusty cowardly people from Ceerigaabo.


Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
When you go to Somaliland is there a special hy road that takes you to west burco? or do you pass through all HA cities and villages angrily saying "oromo" under your breath until you get to west burco, then from burco to your sacad yoonis village another 3 hours of HJ roads, do you angrily say "midgaan" under your breath.....Will you develop a HY road in SL since HJ are midgaan and HA are oromo according to you? Or will you continue to angrily use enemy roads :ulachen001:



Back to the topic.

Congrats to Ibraahim Idle Salebaan, wa landheere landheere dhalay, ya la hadli kara. :dabcasar:

A factory in Xarshaw built by Cabdalle Boos and his brother Maxamuud Boos. That is why
I have respect for SY politicians, wherever they are they put the interest of tolka deegaans
first. We winning.


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