Somaliland crusade against puntland

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Reer sool demonstrate against the agression and oppression of somaliland invading their land while somaliland troops fire live rounds at women and children killing and injuring many women and children

The people of burco berbera and hargaysa are killing the people of sool and sanaag cause they blame them for siad barre bombardment of hargaysa since reer sool and sanaag are the same tribe as siad barre


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Reer sool demonstrate to the world that they dont want anything to do with the tribe of burco berbera and hargaysa who have invaded their lands and killing innocent women and children



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Masha Allah, Women make up the bulk of Sool's militia.:ahh: No need for weaponry, we'll just invade with our penises.
Odey dhaqmeed of sool send a warning to the tribal enclave somaliland saying to leave their lands or they will jihad against the agressors who are oppressing them on their land killing women and children in laas canood


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The massacre the tribal enclave of somaliland burco berbera and hargaysa attacked and ethnically cleansed the people of kalshaale massacring innocent women and children this monument was put up in buhoodle to commemorate the dead women and children killed by the tribal enclave of somaliland in kalshaale

Odey dhaqmeed of sool send a warning to the tribal enclave somaliland saying to leave their lands or they will jihad against the agressors who are oppressing them on their land killing women and children in laas canood

I'll just stay out of this one. It's a slippery slope for me. Let's just leave it at that.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'll just stay out of this one. It's a slippery slope for me. Let's just leave it at that.

:sass1: Its too late for that

Masha Allah, Women make up the bulk of Sool's militia.:ahh: No need for weaponry, we'll just invade with our penises.

Look at how this guy from the tribal enclave of somaliland burco berbera and hargaysa speaks about the sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers of reer sool the hatred the enmity they bare is unparalleled take heed:sass2:

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Women are easily riled up that is why you see them always being the fore front in protests
2:190 Fight in the way of God those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors.
2:191 And kill them wherever you find them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah [Persecution] is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them.

reer sool bari sanaag nugaal and mudug didn't invade reer burco hargaysa iyo berbera land its reer burco berbera and hargaysa who have invaded reer sool bari sanaag mudug and nugaal land and Allah tells us persecution and oppression is worse than killing in sha Allah we will kill isaac where ever we find them on our land this is a just jihad.

Listen to this reer sool sister discribing reer hargaysa as gaalo crusaders invading her land theres no love lost reer sool mudug sanaag bari and nugaal despise reer berbera hargaysa and burco our number one enemy is reer hargaysa burco and berbera a jew from israel or a xabesha from Ethiopia or a kikuyu from kenya is closer to reer sool sanaag mudug and nugaal than reer burco berbera and hargaysa.

f*ck off!! dumb malis spreading wahaabi propaganda to weaken our ppl even further. Do yall want me to bring out the sunnah where the prophet denounced clans from arab state fighting each other. hy can't retarded muslims ever read those verses or where it says not to cut the ties of kinship, instead dumb niggas want to twist the verses (instructing the prophet during those times to fight the kuffar who wanted to destroy the religion) to suit their own agenda. Stop using the quran to start wars you ignorant niggas, those verses where in past tense for those who had no choice but to fight and you have niggas today saying it refers to us and how we must fight. Low iq ppl and supremacist ppl should stay away form religon, one bombs planes and screams "allah akbar!!" and the others went on a crusade to get a tan in the middle east and ended up savgely eating muslim buttocks.



Alhamdulillah the hatred runs deep between reer sool, bari, mudug, nugaal, sanaag towards the gaalo crusaders from burco berbera and hargaysa Allah willng the hatred will continue to run deeper in sha Allah till we dont consider tge people of burco berbera and hargaysa as human.
How old are you?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
f*ck off!! dumb malis spreading wahaabi propaganda to weaken our ppl even further. Do yall want me to bring out the sunnah where the prophet denounced clans from arab state fighting each other. hy can't retarded muslims ever read those verses or where it says not to cut the ties of kinship, instead dumb niggas want to twist the verses (instructing the prophet during those times to fight the kuffar who wanted to destroy the religion) to suit their own agenda. Stop using the quran to start wars you ignorant niggas, those verses where in past tense for those who had no choice but to fight and you have niggas today saying it refers to us and how we must fight. Low iq ppl and supremacist ppl should stay away form religon, one bombs planes and screams "allah akbar!!" and the others went on a crusade to get a tan in the middle east and ended up savgely eating muslim buttocks.



You are clearly a gaal your opinion is irrelevant.
I do not speak to apostates who mock islam kindly exit this thread adigo mudan oo weliba mahadsan fadlan
When did i mock islam. I simply stated the truth that uninformed idiots use religious verses that were aimed to raise the moral of muslim minority that were being attack by a larger army, to justify war in a new generation when no army attacks us. Why should we attack other muslims in our own country when we have real kuffar enemies that no one is courageous enough to attack???


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
When did i mock islam. I simply stated the truth that uninformed idiots use religious verses that were aimed to raise the moral of muslim minority that were being attack by a larger army, to justify war in a new generation when no army attacks us. Why should we attack other muslims in our own country when we have real kuffar enemies that no one is courageous enough to attack???
As far as i am concerened the people of burco berbera and hargaysa are gaalo who worship the british colonial borders besides we are not from the same race the people of sool, mudug, nugaal, sanaag, bari and ceyn are arabs we can trace our roots back to aqiil ibn abi talib we share nothing with the people of burco berbera and hargaysa a yemini is more closer to me than them gaalo crusaders alhamdulillah my race despises them more and more each day and soon we wont even view them as humanbeings in sha Allah.
As far as i am concerened the people of burco berbera and hargaysa are gaalo who worship the british colonial borders besides we are not from the same race the people of sool, mudug, nugaal, sanaag, bari and ceyn are arabs we can trace our roots back to aqiil ibn abi talib we share nothing with the people of burco berbera and hargaysa a yemini is more closer to me than them gaalo crusaders alhamdulillah my race despises them more and more each day and soon we wont even view them as humanbeings in sha Allah.
Do all somalis claim arab lineage????

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