Somaliland Explained

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Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Her 2 uncles are minister in Pl :umwhat:

Why are Landers willing to go as far as to isolate yourselves for ictiraaf when you could've secured the seat of Villa Somalia, I don't get you people :farmajoyaab:

2019 Kursiga Villa Somalia, iyo caasimada Somalia is guard by 30,000 unsullied bantu. Madaxweynihi Somalia can't walk outside, so who's isolated:zhqjlmx:


Or a truce and just keep 5 diff countries like the stats on the flag but have a NATO EU type alliance
Why only 5, Khatumo needs it’s own country based in sool Sanag cayn and buhodle:fittytousand: we cant be united with faqash Jeegans, we need our own ictiraaf:siilaanyosmile:
Then we can have a truce


Are you a Dhulo? I thought you was dhab?
I’m an mj but us Hartis need several countries if were going to separate like the eu, 3 voices are is better than 1:manny: heck makhir needs it’s own ictiraaf:fittytousand: if somaliland ever gets ictiraaf makhir and khatumo need to use the same formula to get independence from the newly formed somaliland:siilaanyosmile:

Why have one separatist country when you can have four:siilaanyolaugh: if you support ictiiraf don’t be xasid and support it fully
Sxb 2 people from supposedly laas Khorey dont exist. Weligey ma maqlin. Nama mateelan. Ma ku so diir warqadhi 18 ki aqil oo Warsangali iyo Suldaanka Guud Abdisalan Maxamuud Cali Shire oo la qooray 1991.

First you said you did not here of this document when we last spoken, I produced it. Now you said you did not here of these people:O27GWRK:
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