Somaliland gov using religion to make the populace vote for Biixi


That comment was so dumb that I would assume it came from a Cagdheer. Are you og by any chance?
It is though. the border were created by christian English men, the idea of succesionism was created and cultivated in Ethiopia


The Gulf of Berbera
It is though. the border were created by christian English men, the idea of succesionism was created and cultivated in EthiopiaView attachment 343678

As if the boarders of somalia was created by the muftis of the Islamic world, it was also created by the gaal fascist Italians. Initially the SNM didnt intent to separate from the south as everybody knows. The idea of independence came later on as disagreements with Ali mahdi occurred.

You guys know SNM was founded by a transgender jeclo Roman Catholic?
You reer "majidho" need to learn to keep and contain your favorite khanismino conversation to yourselves.
As if the boarders of somalia was created by the muftis of the Islamic world, it was also created by the gaal fascist Italians. Initially the SNM didnt intent to separate from the south as everybody knows. The idea of independence came later on as disagreements with Ali mahdi occurred.
View attachment 343828

You reer "majidho" need to learn to keep and contain your favorite khanismino conversation to yourselves.
You do know the chiefs of the isaaq had their kids abused by English officials who promised them a western education? Back in the colonial days. If I’m lying I’m flying.


As if the boarders of somalia was created by the muftis of the Islamic world, it was also created by the gaal fascist Italians.
Who says Somalia wasn't a colonial creation?
Initially the SNM didnt intent to separate from the south as everybody knows. The idea of independence came later on as disagreements with Ali mahdi occurred.
View attachment 343828
this is true but it's also true Ethiopia pushed for it.
Who says Somalia wasn't a colonial creation?
No it wasn't. Don't fall for seccesionist/Ethiopian lies. The entire idea and concept of a country meant for Somalis was invented by the Somali Youth League.

You think gaalo first instinct during decolonization of East Africa was to make a country for us? You think that they wanted to have another Islamist country near the Red Sea? It would be easier for them to simply shove us inside Ethiopia and call it a day. It was the SYL who lobbied hard to the UN that us Somalis deserved to have a country and to have sovereignty over our own lands. It was them who encouraged the British to come up with things like the Bevin plan.

Only thing ajnanis did was sign and stamp the papers to make it official. Somalia was created by Somalis.


No it wasn't. Don't fall for seccesionist/Ethiopian lies. The entire idea and concept of a country meant for Somalis was invented by the Somali Youth League.

You think gaalo first instinct during decolonization of East Africa was to make a country for us? You think that they wanted to have another Islamist country near the Red Sea? It would be easier for them to simply shove us inside Ethiopia and call it a day. It was the SYL who lobbied hard to the UN that us Somalis deserved to have a country and to have sovereignty over our own lands. It was them who encouraged the British to come up with things like the Bevin plan.

Only thing ajnanis did was sign and stamp the papers to make it official. Somalia was created by Somalis.
despite attempts to rectify it after independance, Somalia is colonial creation alongside every other AU member state or most states in the global south.


On a break
The only colonial thing about it is the artificial borders. Everything else was created by Somalis

Every colony except British Cameroons recieved indepence and became a country. British Cameroons case was a bit different they had a UN plebescite on which country to join, but everyone else received independence. There was nothing special about Somalias case, only the attempt to form a union of the territories was unique and obviously failed.

Some other unions/federations happened post independence, some were dissolved, only Somalia/Somaliland and Tanganyika/Zanzibar remain.
Every colony except British Cameroons recieved indepence and became a country. British Cameroons case was a bit different they had a UN plebescite on which country to join, but everyone else received independence. There was nothing special about Somalias case, only the attempt to form a union of the territories was unique and obviously failed.

Some other unions/federations happened post independence, some were dissolved, only Somalia/Somaliland and Tanganyika/Zanzibar remain.
I already said Somalia's independence was a result of the UN but the concept and development of Somalia was due to Somalis.