I didn't embarass him, he posted this thread. He then continued to go along with his story and act like the video he posted on his Twitter account was made in reply to the latest Xamar Qarax, when it wasn't. The vid of the 3 kids is from 2017.
Is it my fault he's trying to deepen the divide, No.
Is it my fault he's stirring the pot, No.
Is it my fault that he's trying to keep bad blood between brothers alive, No.
I didn't correct wrong with wrong, I simply stated the truth.
So again, I stand by what I said, and May Allah (SWT) Curse the one who instigates between 2 brothers, instead of reconciliating between them.
To be truthful, I couldn't care less if you got triggered or not. You, as an individual never got triggered, but There was defo some Somali out there that got triggered. You see Somalis are emotional people with sharp tongues. They can dish it out, but can't take it.
Of course it didn't, if anything it reinforces what most want to believe about Somaliland anyway.
As for the youth who said those words. I've already stated what should have been done to them. Apparently (according to one of the comments)
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Are there people who think like them in SL, Hell yh. Is it right, Hell No.
Are there people on the otherside who would get wet/horny, if they heard Al Shabab attacked Burco, Berbera, Hargeysa or Cerigaabo. Hell yh, There would be parties in Garowe, Gaalkacyo, Boosaaso, Kismaayo, Jigjiga and Xamar. The diaspora lot would be waaaaay worse with their happiness.
Whatever you are doing is wrong too. If you see someone doing something wrong, do you tell it in front of a crowd or do you personally go up to them and tell them of their wrong doings?
You could have just sent him a dm but no. You had to do it in front of everybody and involve his personal Twitter account for everyone to see.
You are not any better than him.