Yeah....not buying it. I hear about what the savagery you oromoids are doing to Somalis in jigjiga and other formerly Somali cities to this day. Don't play innocent with me, it never worksWho took the Ogaden from you? It's still Somali territory, we do not want it.
Read the history, of how it became Ethiopia; to sum it up, there were somali clans there who allied with the habeshas [which, yes, included some oromo soldiers], to fight their rival clans, so the habeshas set up military camps there and so on. this was the basis for the claim later on.
and since the habeshas were allies of the europeans, and helped fight the ''mad mullah'' there, they recognized the ethiopian claim to what is known as the ogaden.
ras makonen, father of haile selassie, even wanted lands up to hargeisa, they were back then, and still are, desperate for sea access.