Somaliland opting to incorporate Oromos into Somali clan system and seek Hiil from them

Your subclans elders are not that important at the moment. The HJ elder who announced war for his Tol (Suldaan Siciid) is there, rubbing shoulders with them. It's more than just a meeting; their clansmen or whatever Oromos they call on will be used as footsoldiers.
Those are Oromo and Dir delegation coming from Mogadishu where they first arrived before coming to Hargeysa and they were welcomed by elders in Hargeysa and the HJ don't need anyone to help them in their feud with Dhulbahante you would know that if you had any knowledge of Isaaq & Daarood clan rivalry :icon lol: footsoldiers kulaha
Those are Oromo and Dir delegation coming from Mogadishu where they first arrived before coming to Hargeysa and they were welcomed by elders in Hargeysa and the HJ don't need anyone to help them in their feud with Dhulbahante you would know that if you had any knowledge of Isaaq & Daarood clan rivalry :icon lol: footsoldiers kulaha
Next thing you'll be telling me is that they weren't called on and went there by their own accord, lmao.

"HJ don't need anyone," you say, while the Suldaan of CM is also there, rubbing shoulders with the Oromo before CM was sent to back HJ. Tell me, when did Hargeisa become a CM and HJ city for their elders to welcome delegations? :pachah1:

These Oromo elders were called for a reason.
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Next thing you'll be telling me is that they weren't called on and went there by their own accord, lmao.

"They don't need anyone," you say, while the Suldaan of CM is also there, rubbing shoulders with the Oromo before CM was also sent to back HJ yesterday. Tell me, when did Hargeisa become a CM and HJ city for their elders to welcome delegations?:pachah1:

These Oromo elders were called for a reason. You ain't fooling me, pal.
What's wrong for Somali elders to be in Hargeysa?? if you're saying this delegation is here to aide HJ show us then the proof or evidence of the claims you're making now ? The day HJ calls for outside help against their foe Dhulbahante is the day HY will shame them in a Gabay that the nation will never forget kkkk


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
la hawla. Like a week ago they were shoving them in cars and deporting them. SL needs to be saved


@Arkan any comments?


The Gulf of Berbera
On one hand yall cry about the abuse of oromo in Hargeisa and on the other hand oromo are taking over the north and we're incorporating them. Pick one you fuccin hypocrites!

