Somaliland region first to send condolences to the tragedy involving Ethiopian airlines (157 dead)

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Aun, this is why Im scared of third world airlines.

Ethiopian airlines is actually pretty safe. I used Daalo airlines, Jubba airlines and Air Djibouti many times never had a problem alhamdullilah. Plane crashes involving Somali owned airlines are rare.


So far the countries of the dead confirmed.

Kenya 32
Canada 18
China. 8
Netherlands 5
Egypt 6
Ethiopia 9
France 7
UK 7
Italia 8
Slovakia 4


1 Somali citizen died AUN. It is possible others died who were holding different passports (specially the Canadians).

Ethiopian airlines is actually pretty safe. I used Daalo airlines, Jubba airlines and Air Djibouti many times never had a problem alhamdullilah. Plane crashes involving Somali owned airlines are rare.

Isn't Ethiopia airlines the go to airlines for us?


@Bohol @R.Kelly

Most of them were Somali with dual citizenship :tocry:

So many grieving families, may Allah(SWT) bring peace to their hearts and continue to sustain them.

AUN to them all.

Nah that is just the typical wild Somali guess. So far only one Somali has been officially confirmed dead.

Shahaad Abdishakur who worked for the Somalia government AUN.
I just watched the whole vid, Apparently this is the second airplane crash of the same type - Boeing 737 Max( simply a newer version, not much difference to the old one).

This plane that crashed was only delivered last year November (it's been in use for only 5 months) to Ethiopia. They have a brand new fleet of ships, I'm not sure if all are the 737 max - this type is apparently good for short haul flights. Most likely a wide range of different planes.

Apparently not all planes are suitable for all airports. Ethiopia's airport is very hot and very high in altitude, so the type of planes they chose are based on specific needs and requirements. The planes they choose must demonstrate reliability over a long period of time and showcase efficiency and effectiveness in the airport. However Ethiopia airlines, are apparently the best in the continent.

Imo, they must discontinue this model (737 max) and find out what issues exist within it.
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