Somaliland region first to send condolences to the tragedy involving Ethiopian airlines (157 dead)

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Some Landers use it from London via Addis Ababa then Hargeisa. However majority use fly Dubai nowadays and Somali airlines from Dubai to get to Sland region.

Booked my sibling onto EA last month and their departure was last Wednesday. Alhamdulilah they got Hargeisa safely. That roundtrip from DC was just $670


Booked my sibling onto EA last month and their departure was last Wednesday. Alhamdulilah they got Hargeisa safely. That roundtrip from DC was just $670
Ethiopian airline are a decent airline ,my dad used them to South Africa on Friday. The issue is with the Boeing 737Max plane , avoid them .

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Ethiopian airline are a decent airline ,my dad used them to South Africa on Friday. The issue is with the Boeing 737Max plane , avoid them .

Dude! I flew with them a year ago, I think a year to the day is today. This is strange!
I just watched the whole vid, Apparently this is the second airplane crash of the same type - Boeing 737 Max( simply a newer version, not much difference to the old one).

This plane that crashed was only delivered last year November (it's been in use for only 5 months) to Ethiopia. They have a brand new fleet of ships, I'm not sure if all are the 737 max - this type is apparently good for short haul flights. Most likely a wide range of different planes.

Apparently not all planes are suitable for all airports. Ethiopia's airport is very hot and very high in altitude, so the type of planes they chose are based on specific needs and requirements. The planes they choose must demonstrate reliability over a long period of time and showcase efficiency and effectiveness in the airport. However Ethiopia airlines, are apparently the best in the continent.

Imo, they must discontinue this model (737 max) and find out what issues exist within it.
Sxb are you an engineer. What your saying has do with ram air pressure. As temperatures increase the density increases thus forcing more air into the turbine causing a conpressor stall and loss of power. At higher altitude airports and hot ones they tend to land at night time like in Arizona


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Alxamdullilah, I just took EA last week to London from Addis. Very good service.

AUN all muslims on board, imagine their last thoughts as they knew death was imminent


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
AUN that’s just scary but Ethiopian airlines isn’t bad I’ve used them many times before


Never took Ethiopian airlines when I went in December, just a little bit of turbulence kind of scares me. I’m so glad my mums came back on Friday waan isku naxay walle.


Never took Ethiopian airlines when I went in December, just a little bit of turbulence kind of scares me. I’m so glad my mums came back on Friday waan isku naxay walle.

Never used Ethiopian airlines either. I don't like it.
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