Somaliland region opposition leader Cirro and President Farmaajo to meet after Ramadan

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I never said it is perfect but federalism is a reality in Somalia it can't be wished away easily. It was agreed longtime ago.

Agreed by who ? It was enforced to the people and as i said, ask the majority people of the south they don't believe in Federalism. Farmaajo is the best example. He doesn't even respect Federalism and spits on the "law" that people "agreed" on, because he hails from a community that doesn't believe in it.


Agreed by who ? It was enforced to the people and as i said, ask the majority people of the south they don't believe in Federalism. Farmaajo is the best example. He doesn't even respect Federalism and spits on the "law" that people "agreed" on, because he hails from a community that doesn't believe in it.

Enforced by who? you must be naive if you think people in Somalia don't want federalism and it was imposed on them.
Enforced by who? you must be naive if you think people in Somalia don't want federalism and it was imposed on them.

If it wasn't inforced, tell me when the people did vote for it ? Still the question stays the same, why does Farmaajo and his companion Kheyre breaks the law of federalism and interferes since two years in the affairs of the federal states ? Well i say, because one is Marexaan and the other one Hawiye, both communities with lesser support for federalism.


If it wasn't inforced, tell me when the people did vote for it ? Still the question stays the same, why does Farmaajo and his companion Kheyre breaks the law of federalism and interferes since two years in the affairs of the federal states ? Well i say, because one is Marexaan and the other one Hawiye, both communities with lesser support for federalism.

It was agreed by political stakeholders back in early 2000s.

TFG (Transitional federal government of Somalia) 2004-2012,_Republic_of_Somalia

FGS (Federal government of Somalia) - 2012 - present day
Abdurahman isn't Mohamed Siyaad Barre long time gone deceased?

Why are Muuse Biixi, Faysal and Ina Abdishakur mentioning him all the time along Farmaajo.

You said who is Farmaajo but yet why are Muuse, Faysal and Abdirahman constantly talking about him and comparing him to a long time deceased Mohamed Siyaad who died over two decades ago?
Rwanda came out of a genocide that claimed 1000000 Tutsi, why can't Somalis do the same? It's not like the SNM were innocent, everyone and I mean everyone committed genocidal acts on their neighbors but that doesn't come close to the Rwandan genocide yet these Rwandans chose reconciliation over secessionism, the aggressors are now building a prosperous country with their victims.
Abdurahman isn't Mohamed Siyaad Barre long time gone deceased?

Why are Muuse Biixi, Faysal and Ina Abdishakur mentioning him all the time along Farmaajo.

You said who is Farmaajo but yet why are Muuse, Faysal and Abdirahman constantly talking about him and comparing him to a long time deceased Mohamed Siyaad who died over two decades ago?

Abdirahman is a opposition leader, is Farmaajo an Awliyaah that the opposition can't talk about him ? What is the porpuse of a oppostion ? Somaliland is in dispute with the FGS and Somalia because, it is not recognized, of course Muuse Biixi mentions Farmaajo ? I still don't get your point ? Majeerteen and Ogadeen are also Part of Irir Samaale because Deni and Madoobe talk about Farmaajo right ?
Somalia is not a democracy. Nothing has ever been made by 'the people'.

This is a major issue we all suffer from. Everthing was inforced on us. The German union for example was heavily fighted for by the people, hence you barely her any German complaining. Spain also inforced it's union like Somalia, hence their states like Catalonia and actually many more always complain.

But my point was, Federalism can't work for Somalia. Would every of the 5 Member states be a functioning like Puntland, it would be easy to build a FGS and Seccionism in Somaliland would not work anymore or loose many supporters. But with a FGS that doesn't even respect Federalism, with 4 of the 5 states, that don't have any statehood, it is a matter of time till the whole shit collapses.


Make Hobyo Great Again
This is a major issue we all suffer from. Everthing was inforced on us. The German union for example was heavily fighted for by the people, hence you barely her any German complaining. Spain also inforced it's union like Somalia, hence their states like Catalonia and actually many more always complain.

But my point was, Federalism can't work for Somalia. Would every of the 5 Member states be a functioning like Puntland, it would be easy to build a FGS and Seccionism in Somaliland would not work anymore or loose many supporters. But with a FGS that doesn't even respect Federalism, with 4 of the 5 states, that don't have any statehood, it is a matter of time till the whole shit collapses.
While it's true that some FMS are just city states, it's not like centralization is faring any better. I mean just look at Mogadishu. At least federalism is enshrined in the constitution.
While it's true that some FMS are just city states, it's not like centralization is faring any better. I mean just look at Mogadishu. At least federalism is enshrined in the constitution.

I said people in the south (the majority) prefer centralism, that does not mean centralism is any better. Centralism will also never work again, eapcially after the massacres in Mudug, Hargeysa and Burco (just to name a few). Somalia has no future, wether with centralism or federalism. The best way is for Somaliland to keep the status quo and seek independence. Ictiraaf is very unrealistic, espically with the current adm, but a future with Somalia is impossible. I can't speak for Puntland, but the situation is the same. Puntland will be better, without the rest of the country. No benefit in federalism or centralism. People say Somaliland wasted 30 years in seeking ictiraaf. But Puntland on the hand wasted 20 years for waiting for the rest of the country becoming stable.
Abdurahman Puntland fulfilled a duty it set out for itself and is not considered the mother of the FGS without merit or a reason.

A legacy to be proud about and it worked hard to bring into reality and succeeded.

Whereas Somaliland has yet to achieve its goal of being their own and independent from Somalia.

Federalism was the best option and slowly being realised by others. Those who are holding out are those with a chip on their shoulder constantly mentioning a long deceased Mohamed Siyaad Barre who died over two decades ago to keep the people preoccupied and hate filled to keep their secession project afloat and get rich at their expenses while engaging in policies that strengthen the unity while arresting and injuring innocent people not connected to them who advocate for unity. Secession is morally bankrupt.
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