Somaliland region showcases its military arsenal at Dararweyne galbeed military camp


Somali chauvinist
When the time comes Turkey will use its drones and do to Somaliland what is doing now to Haftars forces in Lybia.


Somaliland supremacy
When the time comes Turkey will use its drones and do to Somaliland what is doing now to Haftars forces in Lybia.
You mean the same way they are killing you down south with drones? You ever wondered why they can easily do it to you but not to us?
You are some sad moist guy, our kids sleep in peace we dont tuck them in to sleep with the sounds of gun fire, like you guys do.

Don't mind the fatherless


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
So why is your uncle hiding under a Bantu Amisom tank, why they can’t protect him from Al Shabab. Why nigga why :what1:

My home region is free of AS since 2013. Xamar isn't my land. Ask Reer Mogadishu. The rest of Jubbaland will be freed soon enough. That I know.

Somaliland isn't relevant. As it isn't the center of power in the Somali peninsula. Take that as what you want.

Mate I asked you a simple question, which was if your tribe is so powerful why can’t they protect their president, why does he need to have foreign bodyguards. :what1:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Mate I asked you a simple question, which was if your tribe is so powerful why can’t they protect their president, why does he need to have foreign bodyguards. :what1:

Cuz Xamar was a noman's land for the longest. AMSOM leaving in 2021
