@Juuqbuuqluuq confuses political bickering to the will of people. A government is not built on politics, it's built on the will of the people. You need to first represent the views of the people. Politics is after the people views are represented. For example. Puntland/Makhir/SSC heck even Burco and Erigavo if they formed a government, they would form a government based on the will of the people becuz the will of the people is SOMALIA baanu rabna. From this we can bicker how aid is spent, how military is resourced, and all the fun stuff about politics. But the government need to be built on the will of the people before you can entertain politics. Somaliland is not built on the will of the people, so it's pointless having political discussions with somalilanders, it will lead to nowhere since they do not share the same WILL. Puntland people share the same will and u know that @Juuqbuuqluuq however we do not share the same POLITICS, we argue constantly about our politics but our WILL is the same. 1 Somalia. 1 Federalism. This will never change and Puntlanders should be proud of that fact. U really built a winner here. Politics will be up and down but as long as the will of the people is represented, we will never be destroyed.
Puntland is no different from any other qabiil based somolian administration . Your people dont even vote, just like your gov of Somalia it's a selection not election. You chose 1 man who is always the same subclan of MJ forget about sool and sanaag